
Will Durant on Human Achievement

I spent a good chunk of the long weekend engrossed in Will Durant’s autobiography, Transition. Durant and his wife Ariel are best known for…


The Two Americas

The warring factions aren't the haves and have-nots. They are tax eaters and tax payers. And the two see the world very differently, according to…


A Telling Headline

From The Hill: "Vulnerable Democrats defend support for campaign finance legislation." That's because campaign finance regulations are an incumbent's best friend.


Solving America’s Problems

Congress continues to work long and hard to solve America's most important problems. Take a look at some recent legislation, such as H. Res. 1256:…


Value Added Tax? Bad Idea

Today's Daily Caller has an article by Wayne Crews and I making the case against the VAT, which is becoming a popular idea in this…