Constructive criticism on my wind farms blog
A disease cluster scare implodes; a new one is born
Yesterday I wrote that a scare over a scleroderma cluster in South Boston had been resolved when the state department of health found no…
The Objections to Wind Farms
Despite massive subsidies, wind power still only provides about two percent of U.S. energy. Part of the problem is inherent. It takes a lot of…
Another “man-made” disease cluster solved
What man-made pollutants were causing the mysterious cluster of scleroderma in South Boston? Scleroderma is a rare, incurable, sometimes fatal illness that hardens muscles and…
American Spectator’s Tom Bethel writes about my views on Wikipedia
Yes, WHO faked a pandemic and is now lying about it, my Forbes article
The World Health Organization has suddenly gone from crying “The sky is falling!” like a cackling Chicken Little to squealing like a stuck pig. The…
Worries about the direction of the Tea Party movement
Obama adminstration enlarges ethanol industry trough
I’ve been writing about the ethanol scam since before you were born – well, if you were born after 1987 at least. I need…
Flu Report Feb. 5 – What Swine Flu ISN’T Doing
Here’s an amazing fact. Traditionally flu season peaks in mid-February. Essentially now. Yet in mid-October CDC labs reported 11,908 positive flu samples. This past week…
Toyota’s Troubles
“Killer Cans And Toxic Baby Bottles,” my piece in Investor’s Business Daily
Should we worry about a common chemical almost all of us carry in our bodies that activists claim causes a list of diseases longer…
No, two stimulus plans are enough!
Return to moon program scrapped. Good.
Does positive thinking lead to positive outcomes?
John Stossel salutes my swine flu work
[Herewith his blog for Fox Business, titled “Swine Flu Hysteria.” I agree with him about the pharmaceutical companies. As I’ve written elsewhere, in…
Why scientific arguments don’t go very far anymore
Do vaccines cause autism? Here’s your answer. Jenny McCarthy, by virtue of being a former Playboy Playmate who claims her son had autism but that…
Flu Update Jan. 29: What Swine Flu ISN’t Doing
Deaths down, hospitalizations down, infections reported to CDC-surveillance labs down. Again the usual disclaimer that this probably represents a time lag in reporting and…
Brit M.D. who tied MMR vaccine to autism acted “dishonestly and irresponsibly”
The doctor who first suggested a link between MMR vaccinations and autism – and subsequently made rates of measles and other diseases skyrocket – acted…
WHO swine flu chief caught twice lying about pre-fab pandemic
Even before the World Health Organization declared its phony pandemic last summer, its designated fibber-in-chief has been Keiji Fukuda. Yet I’ve never been able to…
Cold, bitter winter is “proof” of global warming
“Winter offered as proof of warming” declares a headline in the print edition of the Washington Post, although perhaps the irony of that later struck…
Flu expert slams WHO pandemic panic-mongering in German magazine interview
I missed this interview when it came out in the German magazine Der Spiegel in July, but it’s still relevant. Unfortunately, even though the…
“The Hole in the EPA’s Ozone Claims,” my piece in Forbes Online
To the EPA, “safe” is a constantly moving target—and that’s the way it likes it. Always something new to regulate, always a new hobgoblin from…
Environmentalist confessions
A question to Slate‘s “Green Lantern” environmental adviser: Instead of glasses, I wear contact lenses. This means throwing out scraps of plastic (as well…
WHO squealing like a pig over charges it fabricated the flu “pandemic”
The WHO has suddenly gone from a cackling Chicken Little crying “The Sky is Falling!” to squealing like a stuck pig, in response to charges…
More dirt in the IPCC melting Himalayas scandal
In an update to my blog on the alleged melting of the glaciers atop the Himalayas (and imminent extinction of the yeti), the scientist…
Flu Watch Jan. 24, 2010 – Swine flu appears to be sweeping aside seasonal flu
Reported infections, deaths, hospitalizations all down. Again, though, when adjusted for the time lag they were probably the same as last week. The only…
Darn! No more “Blessed be the snipers . . .”
IPCC: “Our bad! Global warming not about to melt Himalayas.
“The glaciers in the Himalayas are receding faster than in any other part of the world and, if the present rate continues, a large number…
Trust me, I found it on the Internet!
Why does everybody think BPA is safe but us?
Regarding the ubiquitous plastic ingredient bisphenol A (BPA), my colleague Angela Logomasini blogged that “The greens are rejoicing today because the Food and Drug…