OECD looks at globalization’s effect on workers
Farm bill update — more feeding at the trough recommended
Do We Worry Too Much About Earmarks?
Inconvenient truth–Nobody knows how to meet world power needs without emissions
Kyotoites assure us we can have our cake and eat it too. We can meet the world’s surging demand for affordable energy and,…
More on Bogus Food Stamp Challenge
Dingell drops controversial provisions — for now
Today’s National Journal reports that House Energy and Commerce Chairman John Dingell (D., Mich.) and Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee Chairman Rick Boucher (D., Va.)…
The “green faerie” flies again
Let’s Kill the Bilateral Agreement
Crybaby Judge Can Be Fired for Seeking $54 Million for Lost Pants
Roy Pearson, an administrative law judge in the District of Columbia, recently cried on the witness stand while seeking $54 million from his drycleaners…
Blaming SUV owners for genocide in Africa?
Al Gore and other alarmists call global warming a “moral issue.” But for them it is actually a moralizing issue. Global warming allows them to…
Buying Eyeglasses
Zero Carbon Computer 100% BS
One of my favorite tech sites,, commented today on a story by the Telegraph entitled “The wooden computer that adds up to zero.”…
Prospects for more open trade closing up
Teachers’ “compelled speech” victory could spill over to farmers
Hans, you're right that the Supreme Court's ruling yesterday in Davenport v. Washington Education Association was a victory for the First Amendment. After…
Court Blocks Use of Tobacco Settlement As Slush Fund
The Mississippi Supreme Court has just upheld a court ruling blocking the diversion of $20 million a year from Mississippi’s multi-billion dollar tobacco settlement…
Cell Phones and Driving
Interesting new study from James E. Prieger of Pepperdine University and Bob Hahn at the AEI-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies, looking at the…
Michael Moore’s “Sicko” – Diagnosis: PWNED
Michael Moore’s new attack-umentary on the American health care system, Sicko, seems to be having viral problems of its own. A mysterious source has…
Reasonable Energy Policy Blown Away in House
The Industrial Wind Action Group just sent along a press release on the emerging monster of a House energy bill and a recent change…
Open Letter to Caterpillar on Cap-and-Trade
This week heavy-machine manufacturer Caterpillar held its annual shareholders meeting, and we and 70 or so of our good friends weighed in on one…
Social Workers Seize Children to Receive Adoption Bonuses
In England, as in the United States, local governments receive cash incentives from the national government for adopting out children. In England, this has led…
Reid’s rant
Yesterday's Greenwire (June 14, 2007) presented the transcript of a speech by Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid on the Senate energy bill. The following…
Weeping Judge Seeks $54 Million for Lost Pants
Marc Fisher of The Washington Post gives an entertaining account of the trial in which D.C. judge Roy Pearson is suing his dry cleaners…
Zero Tolerance Policies and the Abuse Excuse
Today, I published a letter to the editor in The Washington Post, contrasting the treatment of two women recently sent to jail. (Instapundit…
Supreme Court Protects Non-Union Workers from Union Coercion
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today in Davenport v. Washington Education Association that it is not a violation of the First Amendment for a…
The New Rationale for Central Planning
Czech Republic President Vaclav Klaus writes in today’s Financial Times on climate change: As someone who lived under communism for most of his life, I…
Long Term Outlook on Underwriting Profits
I had an op-ed yesterday’s Washington Times about the rather dismal insurance situation along the Gulf Coast. A friend e-mailed me to challenge one…
Multi-billion dollar RPS wealth transfer
The U.S. Energy Information Administration has just published an analysis of Sen. Jeff Bingaman’s (D-N.M.) “renewable portfolio standard” (RPS) plan requiring utilities by 2020…
Tesla in the 21st Century
Last week the Daily Mail reported on the advent of a new technology that uses electromagnetic induction to transfer energy wirelessly across spans of…
Would Dingell’s Legislation Overturn Mass v EPA?
Last week (June 7, 2007), a panel of the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing on Chairman John Dingell (D-MI) and Subcommittee Chair…
Victory for Property Rights in New Jersey
There's good news on property rights from New Jersey, of all places. The New Jersey Supreme Court, in Gallenthin Realty v. Borough of Paulsboro,…