
Chambers of Rent Seeking

In the weekend Wall Street Journal, Stephen Moore, quotes former CEI Warren Brookes Fellow Tim Carney from his book The Big Ripoff: How…


Radicals on TV

My good friend and fellow radical for capitalism — and former Warren Brookes Fellow — Brian Doherty (now with Reason magazine) will discuss his new…


High Corn Prices Flattening the Poor

Deroy Murdock writes about ethanol in National Review Online today, specifically on the effect on food prices, as the Mexican tortilla crisis illustrates: Existing…


Global Warming and Hot Air

Robert Samuelson has a great column on the global warming issue in today’s Washington Post. He hits the nail on the head when it…


2 + 2 = 5; Coercion = Choice

After much anticipation, Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, has introduced the Orwellian-monikered Employee Free Choice Act (H.R.800).


Turkey Trouble

An avian flu outbreak in the UK has had that country’s media in a predictable panic.  The Times’ Mick Hume has a rational response:…


Texas faces gas attack

If you live in Texas, you’ll have heard about how the coal-based energy utilities want to build a lot of new power plants to meet…


Rudy Giuliani vs. the Greens

Former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani has all but declared himself a Republican presidential candidate by filing an official “statement of candidacy” and saying he is “in…


WTO’s Lamy embraces Gaia

  For those who don’t think trade is in trouble and is being used as the big stick to solve all global problems, the World…