
More fun with numbers

I wrote earlier about how the IPCC has quietly changed its definition of its projected temperature rises to include all pre-industrial warming, not just…


r u rdy 2 mt f2f re H.B. 515?

Unfortunately for members of the lower house of Maine’s legislature, some of their colleagues have decided that they all have less self-control than most 14-year…


A President France Deserves?

Everyone’s favorite “walrus-moustachioed” anti-globalist has set his eyes on high public office. French sheep-farmer/McDonald’s hater Jose Bove has declared he’ll be running for President…


Politicizing the politicization of science

A new report from the Union of Concerned Scientists finds “unacceptably large numbers of federal climate scientists [have] personally experienced instances of [political] interference…


Milton Friedman, psychic?

By proclamation of several cities and states, Monday was Milton Friedman Day. CEI was one of many free-market groups that joined in this…


True Congressional Confessions

In today’s Politico, Amy Doolittle has a light-hearted story on the tours that Members of Congress occasionally give for constituents around the Capitol. A…


Taxation Without Representation?

In a Washington Post column, George Will questions the constitutionality of a recent vote in the House of Representatives to give delegates from Washington, D.C. and territories,…


Let Them Eat Flan

American Public Radio’s Marketplace Morning Report has yet another report today on how U.S. demand for corn to make into ethanol is causing a…


Did it play in Peoria?

President Bush in Peoria, IL today gave one of two speeches scheduled on the economy (the next will be in NYC tomorrow). He addressed…


How to Bury the Lede

Are you an aspiring journalist for Reuters? If so, you need to know how to “bury the lede,” which is insider journo-talk for ignoring the…


Piggies going to market

There is a respectable, if (we feel) incorrect, case to be made for the idea of raising taxes to lower demand for an activity or…


More meddling in the market

I post this article, despite its breathless credulity about the imminence of a world beyond petroleum, because it reveals how Washington works. Bush and the…


Risky Academic Business

The management of risk has long been an area of interest at CEI, so we will be watching with interest the development of a…


Kyoto = blackouts

I recently debated a Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) activist on global warming and the future of the U.S. electricity supply. The activist made the…


North v South 2.0

We often hear that global warming is a global problem that requires a global solution. The developing world, on the other hand, wants none…