News of YouTube’s Death Has Been Greatly Exaggerated
An argument from Peter Hartlaub of the San Francisco Chronicle on why big business can never be cool, even when it acquires something that…
Small Government Hate Speech?
Craig Bannister of CNSNews just passed on a story out of Marquette University in which graduate student Stuart Distler was banned from displaying the…
Frank Luntz, Save Us!
And Now for a Word from the Critics
We’ve just heard that our friend Marc Morano will be one of the panelists at the upcoming Society of Environmental Journalists conference in…
They’re Coming to Audit Your Avatar
Fox News this morning raises the alarming prospect of the IRS taxing financial transactions taking places in online virtual communities like Second…
Vote for Alternative Energy with Your Feet
Tokyo rail users will now be expected to not only pay for their own tickets, but also to power the machines that sell them.
Decoy Files on P2P Sites Become Ad Vehicles
From The Wall Street Journal, via \. The unusual alliance demonstrates a new tack being taken by the music industry to deal with…
The Snows of Kilimanjaro, Revisited
Marc Morano over at the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee is drawing our attention today to an op-ed in L’Express last month…
Do Something for Africa: Stop Foreign Aid Now
Hugo Nowhere
The Newest/Oldest Lesson: Why Energy Is Bad
In reference to my previous post about morally righteous (anti-) global warming celebrities, I suggested that those who are horrified by CO2 emissions should…
It’s Tough Out There for a Morally-Consistent Performer
Tired of loosely-informed celebrities nagging you about global warming? It’s beginning to look like the most hard core among them could end up taking themselves…
Europe Takes a Stab at the Multimedia Revolution
Sometimes, a regulatory idea comes along that is so stupid and offensive, one assumes it couldn’t actually be real. “Who could possibly think this is…
A Storm of Scientific Controversy on Capitol Hill
The CEI email server is abuzz this morning with news of an upcoming briefing on global warming and hurricanes being put on by the…
The Sleeping Pill Ate My Homework
Great Modern Economists, Podcast Style
When Cosmic Rays Attack
Our friend Steve Milloy has an excellent column on a new global warming study out of Denmark, and the unsurprising reasons it doesn’t seem…
Race-Based Student Assignments
In a case pending before the Supreme Court, the Seattle School District argues that it should be allowed to use race when assigning…
She’s Huge in Europe
More fame for Angela! Her concise and pithy assessment of the EU’s proposed chemical regulations made it as environmental news service Greenwire’s…
Why All of Human History Has Been Leading Toward Google
Former Random House editorial director Jason Epstein has an interesting take on Google’s place in history, and how the Google Library project could…
Making Decisions on the Fly
Our occasional journalisitic nemesis George Monbiot, as part of the promotional flurry surrounding his new book, is taking the presidents and directors of big…
Nobel Laureate Edmund Phelps opposes minimum wage
Libertarians Know How to Swing
You Want that Social Conscience Expression for Here or to Go?
Registering Some Problems With REACH
The Wall Street Journal reports today that U.S. and European firms were unsuccessful in an attempt to make the proposed chemicals policy in…
Nobel winner – friend of entreprenuers
Foley – a friend to “Big Sugar”
Assessing the Content of Google’s Character
To continue the Google-YouTube discussion begun by Peter, take a look at what some /. folks are saying about Google’s potential exposure to…
Google Gets Good Marks as Internet Librarian
Google raised some doubts (some even from CEI) about copyright protection when they launched Google Library, but now the project is having just the…