Daily Caller
Obama Owes His Success To What Other Dems Are Trying To Destroy
The Daily Caller reports on how raiding minimum wage will decrease work for teenagers and discusses how youth will miss out on important skill learning…
CNS News
Restaurant Industry Official: ‘Not Every Job Is There to Sustain a Family of Four’
One News Now
Congress runner-up in ‘red tape’ production
One News Now discusses with Ryan Young the regulations created by the executive branch agencies, which far outweigh those from Congress. According to the Competitive Enterprise…
Washington Examiner
Washington red tape nears new and costly record
The Washington Examiner discusses Obama Administration regulations with Wayne Crews and Ryan Young. The red tape pushed this year mimics its record in…
Daily Caller
Clinton Donor Lobbied State For Taxpayer-Backed Loans, Emails Reveal
The Daily Caller references Ryan Young's paper on the Overseas Private Investment Corporation as it faced its charter expiration date this fall. The…
Business Ethics Highlights
CEI: There’s Less Corruption In Business Than You Think
The Business Ethics Highlights features CEI's article on rent-seeking. If the data show rent-seeking behavior by firms to be so effective, why don’t…