Trump Regulatory Reform Saved Taxpayers $23 Billion
Townhall cited CEI’s Senior Fellow Clyde Wayne Crews’s “Ten Thousand Commandments 2018” annual report. The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) puts out a report…
Trump Urged To Expose Bureaucrats’ ‘Regulatory Dark Matter’
LifeZette cited CEI’s Vice President for Policy and Senior Fellow Clyde Wayne Crews on regulatory dark matter. President Donald Trump has slashed a…
Government Executive
Trump Deregulatory Effort May Just Be Getting Started
Government Executive cited CEI’s Vice President for Policy Clyde Wayne Crews on Trump administration deregulation. The topic is of great interest to the conservative…
CEI Commends House for Passage of GOOD Act to Rein in Regulatory Overreach
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) commends the U.S. House of Representatives and Congressman Mark Walker for passage of the Guidance Out Of Darkness (GOOD) Act,…
Foreign Affairs
MIL-OSI USA: The House Passes Walker’s GOOD Act To Help NC Employers And Force Federal Agencies To Make Regulatory Guidance Transparent
Foreign Affairs cited CEI’s Vice President for Policy and Senior Fellow Clyde Wane Crews on the GOOD Act. The GOOD Act has received praise from Competitive Enterprise…
The Washington Times
Eliminating ‘Most Problematic’ Federal Regulations Saves Taxpayers $1.3 Billion This Year
The Washington Times cited CEI’s Vice President Clyde Wayne Crews on Trump’s federal regulation savings. Clyde Wayne Crews, vice president for policy at…