Investor's Business Daily
Deregulation Nation: President Trump Cuts Regulations at Record Rate
Investor’s Business Daily cited Senior Fellow Clyde Wayne Crews on Ten Thousand Commandments. As the Competitive Enterprise Institute noted earlier this year…
The Washington Post
Has the Trump Administration Repealed 22 Regulations for Each New One?
The Washington Post Fact Checker cited Vice President for Policy and Senior Fellow Clyde Wayne Crews on regulatory reform. Clyde Wayne Crews of the…
Saudi Gazette
High-Stakes Ruling Awaited On AT&T-Time Warner Merger
Saudi Gazette cited Clyde Wayne Crews on the inadequacy of government for responding to growing competition against traditional media outlets, which has been exacerbated by…
The Wall Street Journal
Trump, the Six Billion Dollar Man*
The Wall Street Journal cited CEI’s Clyde Wayne Crews regarding the Trump administration’s regulatory reform efforts. History shows that when a new President…
The Washington Times
Republicans Giving the Boot to Obama’s Onerous Regulations
The Washington Times cited the Clyde Wayne Crews on the overextension of government regulation and the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s findings of the extreme cost of…
The Hill
The Flip Side of Tax Reform: Federal Spending Reform
The Hill cited Clyde Wayne Crews on the annual cost which federal regulations impose on Americans, the cost of which amounts to ten percent of our…