Investor's Business Daily
Trump’s Deregulation Binge Is Lightening The Economy’s Load
Investor’s Business Daily cited Clyde Wayne Crews on the extent of the impact which the Trump adminstration’s deregulatory stance is having on the nation’s economy. …
The Hill
Conservatives Packed 2017 With Victories — Push 2018 Even Further
The Hill cited Wayne Crews on the financial impact of overregulation by the Obama administration upon the United States economy. With a wild…
St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Under the radar, Trump, Republicans are in frontal assault of Obama-era regulations
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch cited Wayne Crews as well as the Competitive Enterprise Institute on the effects of President Trump’s reforms and how mcuh overregulation…
The Daily Caller
There’s a Newfound Hatred of Silicon Valley
The Daily Caller discusses opinions on Silicon Valley with Wayne Crews. For quite a long time, Silicon Valley was the angelic, do-no-wrong industry, adamantly…
Trump at 9 Months: ‘The Least Regulatory President of All’
Reason cited Wayne Crews about the deregulatory success that has defined the Trump administration thus far. The most underreported story (except here at…
The Washington Times
Conservatives Fear More Left-Leaning Media With AT&T, Time Warner Merger
The Washington Times quotes Wayne Crews on the traditional importance of deregulation in communications for conservative policy and how traditional media conglomerates are losing influence…