Daily Caller
The Five most Damning Facts About Federal Regulation, In One Infographic
The Daily Caller features CEI’s infographic on federal regulations costs to the U.S. economy. CEI draws on their extensive report, Ten Thousand Commandments,…
The Hill
What went unsaid at first Democrat debate
The Hill references Wayne Crews on the missing report to Congress on the costs and benefits of regulation. Inquiries to the SBA about…
Daily Iowegian
Rein in Washington’s overgrowth
U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley references Wayne Crews' study on federal regulation's cost to Americans in the senator's news release. Federal regulations create a…
The Blaze
‘No Authoritative List’: Federal Gov’t Lacks Precise Number on Just How Many Bureaucracies Exist
Wayne Crews discusses the murky number of federal agencies with The Blaze. Wayne Crews, vice president for policy at the Competitive Enterprise Institute,…
The Washington Examiner
Choke: 1,568 new regs, 38,000 Federal Register pages already this year
The Washington Examiner quotes CEI`s Clyde Wayne Crews on new rules and regulations imposed by president Obama. President Obama is making good on…
Senators Question Federal Agencies’ Backdoor Rulemaking
CEI`s Vice-President for Policy Clyde Wayne Crews Jr. talks to the Heartland on the Federal Agencies` backdoor rulemaking. “The new effort…