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Everyone agrees we need more spectrum, so why is Congress making it complicated?
Politics prioritized over policy is de rigueur these days, but it shouldn’t be for spectrum auction reauthorization. The importance to the US economy and to…
The bait and switch of Government Owned Networks
We are all familiar with bait and switch, the deceptive practice where a customer is enticed by one offer and then forced into a higher…
Crickets: Congressional silence on a new communications act
In what seems to be news to legislators and regulators, the communications marketplace is innovative and dynamic. The platforms used to consume increasingly varied types…
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Coveted Internet Cash Cow?
Published in the Washington Times <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> January 30, 1998 Excerpted in…
News Release
Ralph Nader’s Anti-Microsoft Campaign Hurts Consumers
WASHINGTON, DC, November 12 , 1997 — The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) suspects that Ralph Nader does not speak for all consumers in his…
Whose Information Is It Anyway?
Everyone is for privacy, but not everyone agrees what “privacy” means. Privacy as used in popular parlance can become little more than an…
News Release
James Gattuso Joins CEI as Vice President
Washington, D. C., December 22nd, 1997 – The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) announced today that James Gattuso has joined the staff as Vice President…
Playing Politics With ATMs
If you’ve ever said to yourself, "There ought to be a law," then you have a friend in the U.S. Senate, and his name…
News Release
Antitrust Enforcement Punishes Consumers, Protects Business
Two new publications from the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Antitrust Reform Project unmask antitrust law as a bad deal for consumers. Though purported to regulate…