CEI Leads Coalition Urging Congress to Reject Obama Overtime Rule
The Competitive Enterprise Institute today sent a coalition letter to Congress urging support for S. 2707 and H.R. 4773, the Protecting Workplace Advancement and Opportunity Act – as well as all efforts to defund, block, and otherwise nullify the Obama Labor Department’s forthcoming rule on overtime pay. Seventeen free market groups signed the letter.
Key points:
- The administration’s proposed overtime rule would threaten flexible work arrangements and paths to success.
- Industries and organizations across the country—from universities to community care providers—would face drastic increases in labor costs as a result of the Obama administration’s new interpretation of the Fair Labor Standards Act.
- Many workers will lose salaried employment status and the benefits they depend on, like flexible work arrangements and health benefits.
- Most concerning, the DOL’s methodology used to analyze overtime costs is unknown. A rule that could negatively affect millions of workers and the futures of numerous small businesses and industries cannot be issued without thorough analysis by the agency.
Signatories include:
Competitive Enterprise Institute,
American Commitment,
Americans for Prosperity,
Americans for Tax Reform,
Campaign for Liberty,
Center for Individual Freedom,
Center for Worker Freedom,
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste,
Frontiers of Freedom,
James Madison Institute,
Jefferson Project,
John Locke Foundation,
Less Government,
National Taxpayers Union,
R Street Institute,
Taxpayers Protection Alliance.
> View the coalition letter to Congress
For more on the overtime rule, see:
Department of Labor’s New Overtime Rule Puts Flexible Work Arrangements and Paths to Success at Risk