National Review


We know the pattern by now. A crisis arises. As my Competitive Enterprise Institute colleague Chris Horner puts it, this administration says, “There’s no time…

Banking and Finance

The American Spectator

Santa Capitalism

We should call it the “Great Fact,” argues University of Illinois at Chicago economist Deirdre McCloskey. “It” is the Industrial Revolution that, starting in Great…

Business and Government

National Review

The Life of Julius

Remember the White House’s poster child for welfare dependency, Julia? Meet Julius. Julius is the star of a new original production from my team at the Competitive Enterprise Institute…

Labor and Employment

National Review

Re: Out of the Woods

Those fourth-quarter GDP numbers: euro zone –0.6 percent, Netherlands –0.2 percent, France –0.3 percent, Germany –0.6 percent, Hungary –0.9 percent, Italy…

Daily Mail

Let’s Lose LOST

The Law of the Sea Treaty would drastically undermine American sovereignty, giving massive powers to the U.N. (aka the Dictators’ Club of New York), but…

Washington Examiner

War on Coal Escalates

Faced with rising gas prices, President Obama recently outlined what he calls an “all-of-the-above” energy policy “that develops every available source of American energy…


Wall Street Journal

Occupy 14th Street

The Occupy Wall Street protesters think government has become corrupt. While that’s possible, it’s not the main reason why government spending fails. Rather, it fails…

Wall Street Journal

Obama the Greek

Greece is in economic meltdown. Its economy has become so biased towards the public sector that it is now literally unsustainable. It cannot afford to…

Banking and Finance