Richard Morrison is a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, where his work focuses on the relationship between economic and political freedom. He has been widely cited for his research on corporate governance and finance regulation, in particular environmental, social, and governance (ESG) theory. He is also the host of the Free the Economy podcast.
He was previously a senior editor at CEI and managing editor of the blog OpenMarket. He also served as the program manager of CEI’s Center for Advancing Capitalism, where he coordinated outreach to the business community, universities, and other key allies. Before re-joining CEI in 2014, he was manager of communications at the Tax Foundation, where he was also the host and producer of the weekly Tax Policy Podcast. Prior to that he served as CEI’s director of media relations and director of new media between 1999 and 2010, during which he hosted the podcast Liberty Week.
He received his Bachelor of Arts in Government from Claremont McKenna College.
Authored by Richard Morrison
SEC’s climate disclosure rule is redundant and vulnerable to legal challenge
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) released its final climate disclosure rule today, mandating public companies disclose information related to greenhouse gas emissions. The…
Leftwing conspiracy theories about 1971 “Powell memo” debunked in new CEI report
A new Competitive Enterprise Institute report debunks a leftwing conspiracy theory that free market interests seek a “corporate domination of America” (as Greenpeace put…
Biden Veto Means ESG Investment Rule Means Politicized Investing for Pensions
President Biden today vetoed a resolution passed by Congress that would have stopped a Labor Department rule on ESG investing. Specifically, the rule, “Prudence and…
Free the Economy podcast: Defend yourself from debanking with Nick Anthony
- By: Richard Morrison
In this week’s episode we discuss public confidence in the economy, California’s electric vehicle mandate, the prospect of a sovereign wealth fund…
Free the Economy podcast: Pivot or Die with Gary Shapiro
- By: Richard Morrison
In this week’s episode we discuss corporate DEI mandates, financial surveillance at the Securities and Exchange Commission, medical fraud among Alzheimer’s…
Free the Economy podcast: Improving state finances with OJ Oleka
- By: Richard Morrison
In this week’s episode we interview OJ Oleka, CEO of the State Financial Officers Foundation. We talk about how the new administration…
National Review
Time to End the ESG Shakedown
- By: Richard Morrison
When the debate over environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing and regulation started heating up around five years ago, most commenters had to describe what it…
National Review
How Partisan Bureaucrats Weaponized Financial Regulation
- By: Richard Morrison
The main goal of financial regulation in the United States is supposed to be the protection of consumers, investors, and their businesses from deception and fraud.
National Review
SEC’s Climate Rule Is Finally Here, but for How Long?
- By: Richard Morrison
The day many observers of financial regulation have long been awaiting (and dreading) has come. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) voted last week to approve its final rule on…
Threats Then and Threats Now
Executive summary In 1971 Lewis Powell, a prominent Republican lawyer who would go on to serve on the Supreme Court, wrote a memo warning about…
The SEC’s Costly Power Grab
- By: Richard Morrison
The concept known as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing has gained an increasingly high profile in recent years, with advocates producing a large volume…
Frequently Asked Questions on ESG Theory
- By: Richard Morrison
View Full Document as PDF Q: What does “ESG” stand for? A: ESG is short for “environmental, social, and governance.” It is a…
Big Business Took A Beating From Conservatives Over Woke Marketing In 2023, But Did It Change Anything?
- By: Richard Morrison
CEI’s Richard Morrison is cited in Daily Caller on ‘woke marketing:’ “Regardless of what InBev’s senior management or board members believe in their hearts about…
The Hill
The rise and fall of ESG investing
- By: Richard Morrison
The Hill cites CEI’s Richard Morrison on ESG investing: In response, influential free-market groups such as the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, the …
A look ahead at ESG in 2023
- By: Richard Morrison
Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow predicts larger government role in shaping ESG policies. Other 2023 forecast pieces have made predictions based not just on calendar…
Regulatory Comments
CEI Comment on SEC ‘Investment Company Names’ Rule
- By: Richard Morrison
Introduction The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) is pleased to have the opportunity to comment on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) current notice of proposed…
CEI Comments to SEC on Proposed Climate-Related Disclosures Rule
- By: Richard Morrison
Comment letter submitted by the Competitive Enterprise Institute, et al. June 2022 In the matter of the proposed rule “The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related…
Comment on Proposed Rule “Prudence and Loyalty in Selecting Plan Investments and Exercising Shareholder Rights”
- By: Richard Morrison
Assistant Secretary Khawar: Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Employee Benefits Security Administration’s recently proposed rule on the Investment Duties regulation under…
Podcast Episodes
Trump vs. the Regulatory State with Susan Dudley
- By: Richard Morrison
This week we cover how the feds are forcing your bank to spy on you, a new strategy for housing abundance, and a promising new...
Able Americans with Rachel Barkley
- By: Richard Morrison
This week we cover Trump’s executive orders, the demographics of the 119th Congress, our nation’s narrowing fiscal space, reforms to ESG investing, and a new...
Draining the Swamp with Jim Bovard
- By: Richard Morrison
This week we cover fake endangered species, Pennsylvania’s climate policy showdown, a robust defense of property rights in New York, and Biden’s lame-duck attack on...