Democrats: There Is Such a Thing as Too Much Regulation
As Democrats take power in Congress, speculation has swirled around the question of why Republicans lost. But there is a factor – a…
Jamaican Malaria: Blame Rachel Carson, not global warming
Malaria cases in Jamaica have surpassed 160, the Associated Press reports. This is the first outbreak there in more than four decades. One…
TSA — Unsafe at Any Altitude
If you’re flying this holiday season, once you’re on board the plane — after getting through with the stripping of belt and shoes, the unfolding…
The Case of the DDT Deniers
Democrats Loosening their SOX?
Schumer’s Sarbanes-Oxley Surprise and Frank’s Frankness
Is Fairness Doctrine on Its Way Back?
This election season, much of the GOP’s difficulties stem from the disaffection of conservative talk radio. For the past two years, while supporting…
Bush and Pelosi up the Ante for Sarbanes-Oxley Reform
Big government tattoo artists
Nobel Laureate Edmund Phelps opposes minimum wage
A Nobel Prize For Pinpointing U.S. Greatness
America is now five for five in the Nobel Prizes this year. And the announcement of Edmund Phelps as the economics recipient is…
‘Net Neutrality’ for Credit Cards?
Credit card ricochet
“Partners in plunder.” That's how an intriguing new book describes the hidden relationship between big government and big business. <?xml:namespace prefix = o…
Senators on 9/11 movie – “Public interest” is what makes us look good
No matter what anyone thought of the ABC’s “The Path to 9/11,” the actions of certain senators who objected to the miniseries should…
Data Mismanagement
Members of Congress, both Republican and Democrat, now say that Sarbanes-Oxley can be unduly burdensome on business. The law that, in…
News Release
Statement on the Enron Verdict and Sarbanes-Oxley
Washington, D.C., May 26, 2006—Members of the Enron jury should be commended for their deliberative process. They carefully weighed the evidence involving complex accounting issues…
Tracey Ross: TV’s Outspoken Individualist
How many Objectivists are there among television actresses? Well, there is one for sure: Tracey Ross of NBC’s popular soap opera “Passions.” As you…
How Sarbanes-Oxley Hinders Technology Transfer
I grew up here in Kansas City, on the Kansas side, Johnson County. Ewing Kaufman left the Kaufman Foundation as his legacy, along with many…
Making a Meth of the PATRIOT Act
If you thought al Qaeda or Iraqi insurgents were the major threats facing America, Rep. Charlie Dent (R-Pa.) says you’re wrong. According to Dent,…
Sarbanes-Oxley vs. the Free Press
Back in June, when New York Times reporter Judith Miller was about to go to jail on contempt charges for refusing to testify…
Who Is Watching the Watchdog?
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> Today in the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, outspoken hedge fund manager…
Is U.S. Embracing a Global Tax Scheme?
<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Melbourne, Australia—This week, a good number of liberal activists—when not engaged in trying to stop the…
Puts and Calls: Sarbanes-Oxley ‘reform’ harming economy
The Sarbanes-Oxley corporate governance act is one of the biggest expansions of government regulation in 70 years—and businesses say it’s more costly and complicated than…
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board
Greens vs. Levees: Destructive river-management philosophy.
With all that has happened in the state, it’s understandable that the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />Louisiana chapter of the…
On a Different Coast, New Orleans Jazz Plays On
“Well I had to come out and work, because there was housing.” That's what <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />New Orleans…
Suffocating Small Companies
The Washington Times is on target in pointing out the Sarbanes-Oxley Act’s strangulation of small public companies in even more layers of red tape (“Relief…
A Law Unto Themselves
It’s always an ambitious task to argue that a seemingly technical abuse of the Constitution is responsible for much of what is wrong with American…
Ponzi’s Scheme: The True Story of a Financial Legend
Full Document Available in PDF Many have heard…
Reagan’s Ghost: Liberal pundits miss the boat when talking tax reform.
In their attempt to strangle President Bush's tax-reform plan before it even reaches the cradle, liberal journalist-strategists have conjured up a strange political…
Give Nestlé a Break
Generally, the European left has no love for big American financial firms. But some Swiss shareholder activists have embraced the U.S.’s largest proxy-advisory service in…
A Tremendously Costly Law
Early this year, an unusual full-page ad appeared in the Wall Street Journal and other financial newspapers. The ad attempted to refute claims from businessmen…
Ponzi’s Scheme Still Works
Many have heard of Charles Ponzi, the 1920s flimflam — man whose name is now synonymous with con artistry The Oxford English Dictionary defines a…
Erin Bode: Quite a Cover Girl
As I listen to the light and bouncy voice of Erin Bode, the young singer being positioned by the boutique jazz label MaxJazz…
Not Your Father’s Republican
As governor of Maryland, Robert Ehrlich fought off trial lawyers, teachers’ unions, and a Kennedy – and signed a bill legalizing medical marijuana. What will…
Stunting Corporate Growth
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> Robert J. Samuelson [op-ed, Dec. 22] dismissed legitimate concerns about the effects of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act…
Reid May Lead on Stock Options
In the discussion of winners and losers from Election 2004, one organization that may have suffered a big blow has been overlooked. This…
Citizen Snoops Forever: The intelligence reform bill will turn car dealers into spooks, permanently
Will Reid Lead On Stock Option?
In the discussion of winner sand losers from Election 2004, one organization that may have suffered a big blow has been…
What’s Wrong With Combat Pay?
American soldiers are risking their lives in Fallujah. No one would say that they don't deserve a special bonus for wearing <?xml:namespace prefix…
Stock Option Expense Jousting
After hearing constant tirades about <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags” />U.S. foreign policy offending “the world,” a majority of American voters…