The American Spectator
Chaffetz Greases Wheels For Online Sales Tax
The American Spectator quotes CEI`s Jessica Melugin on the Internet Sales Tax Bill: Jessica Melugin, an adjunct fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, claims in …
The Hill
Latest Internet sales tax bill gives states unprecedented taxing power
This week’s introduction by Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) of yet another Internet sales tax bill illustrates the importance of understanding this complex issue and the…
The Daily Caller
Chaffetz Greases Wheels For Online Sales Tax
The Daily Caller quotes CEI`s Jessica Melugin on the Internet Sales Tax Bill: Jessica Melugin, an adjunct fellow at the Competitive…
Marketplace Fairness Act Is More about Tax Revenue and Rent-Seeking than Fairness
Yesterday, Sens. Mike Enzi (R-Wy.), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), and Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.) reintroduced the speciously named Marketplace Fairness Act (MFA) in the…
The Roanoke Times
A New Idea for Tax Fairness Online
The misleadingly named Marketplace Fairness Act died a quiet death during the House of Representatives’ lame-duck session, but is it really the end? What does…
Roll Call
The Grinch Who Taxed The Internet
Austin American Statesman
Texans Should Beware of Internet Sales Tax
Texas is one of the nation’s best states for doing business, according to a recent CNBC survey. Lone Star lawmakers deserve credit for the pro-growth…
The Oklahoman
Think Tank Fellow: Taxing At Place Of Origin Is The Best Method
Starved for cash, cities in Oklahoma and across the nation are looking to new sources of revenue. Their latest target? The Internet. Municipal officials are…
The Real Reason Amazon Flip-Flopped On Internet Sales Taxes
Proponents of the Marketplace Fairness Act claim it’s about fairness to traditional retailers and cash-strapped states. But the flip-flop by, now one of…
Online sales-tax bill faces web of opposition in U.S. House
But Jessica Melugin, an adjunct policy analyst at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a Washington, D.C., public-policy group, said that would place an unfair burden on…
Facts on the Marketplace Fairness Act (S. 743, formerly S. 336)
As the Marketplace Fairness Act winds its way through Congress, lawmakers should, at the very least, take into consideration concerns raised by opponents. That is…
Washington Examiner
Internet sales tax bill a bad idea
If less complexity, fewer loopholes and lower rates are the signposts of meaningful tax reform, the dubiously named Marketplace Fairness Act embodies the exact…
Baucus can help Montana by opposing Internet tax
As chairman of the powerful Finance Committee and senior senator from a non-sales tax state, Montana’s Max Baucus is uniquely positioned to protect both American…
The Washington Times
Internet sales taxes attack states’ rights
Proponents of Internet sales taxes are asking the lame-duck Congress to bless their state tax cartel as part of a larger tax reform package by…
The Washington Times
Congress looks at sales taxes for online purchases
From Burton Speakman’s article in Vindy: Jessica Melugin, an adjunct analyst at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, argued it would be burdensome to ask online…
The Washington Times
Womack Seeks to Close Quill Loophole, Force Online Stores to Pay State Sales Tax
From Neil McCabe’s column in Townhall: Christie said taxation of online sales an important issue to all the nation’s governors and endorsed federal…
The Marketplace Fairness Act Would Create a State Sales Tax Cartel and Hurt Consumers
The Marketplace Fairness Act (S. 1832) seeks to capture more tax revenue for states on Internet purchases. Traditional retailers, states, and localities have urged Congress…
Testimony on “The Marketplace Equity Act of 2011”
Full Document Available in PDF The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) is a non-profit public policy research organization dedicated to advancing individual liberty…
The Washington Times
State Cartel Looking to Hike Internet Taxes
A handful of U.S. senators are teeing up legislation to capture more tax revenue on Internet purchases. Certainly there are valid (and some not so…
The Mercury News
An Alternative to California Proposal to Tax E-Commerce
Painful awards shows aren’t the only odious things stirring in California these days. State lawmakers want to collect sales taxes on Californians’ purchases from…
Tax Simplification To What End? Today’s Simplification Could Be Tomorrow’s Higher Sales Taxes
From the August 2001 Edition of CEI Update ‘Tis a gift to be simple, so the song goes. But nothing…
Tech Briefing 2001
High tech issues are at center stage in the 107th Congress. Broadband deployment, intellectual property, internet regulation and taxation, the “digital divide,”…
The Govs Who Stole Christmas: Jessica Melugin Op-Ed
Chances are you purchased at least one gift over the Internet this Christmas season. The online shopping mall and research service reported that shoppers…
Melugin Letter To The FTC
December 5, 2000Robert PitofskyChairmanThe Federal Trade Commission600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Washington, DC 20580 Dear Chairman Pitofsky: Recently, contacted its…
The Mercury News
Government Should Protect Our Online Privacy
Op-Eds Puts Consumers in Control: Melugin in
Published in<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> September 25, 2000 …
Privacy Precepts Learned the Hard Way: Melugin Op-Ed in Washington Times
For recently bankrupt, trying to liquidate its customer information database has been more like playing with matches than children’s toys. Last week’s…
Double-Click For Consumers: Melugin Op-Ed in Washington Times
Published in The Washington Times<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> August 1, 2000 “We…
Protecting Privacy on the Internet: Melugin Op-Ed in Washington Times
Published in the Washington Times<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> July 5, 2000 The…
Politics & Privacy
New developments in the online-privacy debate are threatening to push federal and state bureaucrats’ desire for regulatory control to critical mass. Not only…
Empowering Consumers on the Internet
The Federal Trade Commission’s latest online privacy report, released last month, calls for federal regulation of the way Internet companies collect and use…
Empowering Consumers on the Internet: How Privacy-Protecting Technologies Have Rendered Regulation Unnecessary
The Federal Trade Commission’s latest online privacy report, released earlier this week, calls for federal regulation of the way Internet companies collect and…
Internet Taxation: Controversy Likely to Continue
Less than a month after the Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce (ACEC) delivered its report to Congress, the House Judiciary Committee has passed a…
Drop the Limits! Limits on Foreign Technology Workers Hurt America
The technology sector accounts for close to one-third of the productivity growth in today’s economy, but the pool of qualified American tech workers…
The US versus Microsoft: Winners and Losers — Melugin Op-Ed in Ft. Worth Star-Telegram
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> Let Consumers – Not the Government – Play Favorites…
Internet Sales Taxation: Beyond the Moratorium
The Internet sales tax debate has been between the National Governors Association’s proposal to grant states the power of remote taxation and the…
Keep Internet Privacy Privatized
The Federal Trade Commission announced to some fanfare recently it would be investigating various health care Web sites, along with Internet advertising agency DoubleClick,…
A Time and Place For Solar
The Clinton Administration’s "Comprehensive Electricity Competition Plan" announced on March 25, 1998 proposes a Renewable Portfolio Standard that would require 5.5 percent of all…