CBS Seattle
Will Apple’s Staggering Growth One Day Be Its Undoing?
From Candice Lee Hefland's article for CBS Seattle: “Saturation is not a huge concern. If anything, Apple devices will continue to proliferate a…
ARS Technica
Witnesses Warn Verizon-Comcast Deal Will Damage Competition
From Timothy B. Lee's article on ArsTechnica: We asked Ryan Radia, an analyst at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, to comment on the hearing.
Orange County Register
EDITORIAL: Don’t Throw the E-Book at Apple
From The Orange County Register's editorial: So far, the ebook market actually is dominated by's Kindle device, Ryan Radia told us; he's…
Reply Comments to FCC Re: Verizon Wireless Application to Acquire Spectrum Licenses
Full Document Available in PDF Executive Summary: The Federal Communications Commission should approve the applications of Verizon Wireless to acquire spectrum licenses…
Ecomerce Times
Google Unfazed by AGs’ Furrowed Brows
From Erika Morphy's article on E-Commerce Times and TechNewsWorld: From Google's perspective, it has no reason to make changes based on the AGs'…
The STOCK Act: A Response to Professor Bainbridge
Professor Stephen Bainbridge recently responded to a National Review Online article by my colleagues John Berlau and David Bier in which they argue…
Tech News World
Twitter CEO’s Tweet-Blocking Defense: It’s Just Business
Tech News World
Ryan Radia: SOPA could change the way the internet works
SOPA could change the way the internet works. Now, some of the biggest websites in the world like Google and Wikipedia are going dark in…
Feds Should Stay Out of Google/Twitter Social Search Spat
By Berin Szoka, Geoffrey Manne, and Ryan Radia As has become customary with just about every new product announcement by Google these days, the company’s…
ARS Technica
AT&T Admits Defeat on T-Mobile Takeover, Will Pay $4 Billion Breakup Fee
Coalition Letter Urges House Judiciary Committee to Consider Implications of SOPA
Full Document Available in PDF The Competitive Enterprise Institute, TechFreedom, Americans…
Yahoo! News
Cellphone Ban Critic: NTSB Has ‘No Business Telling Me How to Drive My Car’
New Version of SOPA Copyright Bill, Old Complaints
SOPA Foes Marshal Opposition Before House Panel Vote
SOPA’s Most Aggressive Defender: U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Tech News World
Europe Weary of Apple, Samsung Patent War
Ecomerce Times
Gates Tells Jury Microsoft’s No Bully
Yahoo! News
FCC Net Neutrality Rules Take Effect, Experts Doubt Longevity
Tech Liberation
Why SOPA Threatens the DMCA Safe Harbor
The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), a controversial bill before the House of Representatives aimed at combating “rogue websites,” isn’t just about criminal, foreign-based…
E Week
Security Experts Blast House Anti-Piracy Bill’s DNS Filtering Provisions
SOPA Bill Won’t Make U.S. a ‘Repressive Regime,’ Democrat Says
New Anti-Piracy Legislation Would Break the Internet Without Stopping Piracy
Daily Caller
Government Bureaucrats Can’t Prevent Data Breaches
Sony’s popular PlayStation Network suffered a massive data breach earlier this year, exposing 100 million users’ credit card numbers, home addresses and more. Numerous other…
Cato At Liberty
Three Libertarians Raise Concerns about the Stop Online Piracy Act
ARS Technica
The Stop Online Piracy Act: Big Content’s Full-On Assault Against the Safe Harbor
I Went to Washington and Democracy Broke Out
Read Write
New Law Would Require Warrants for GPS Surveillance
The Hill
This Week in Tech
E-Verify Briefing Turns Into Shouting Match
Legal Brief
Brief of Amici Curiae Cato Institute, Reason Foundation, and Competitive Enterprise Institute in Support Of Petitioners in Mayo v. Prometheus Labs
Full Document Available in PDF Summary of Argument Prometheus’s patents are…
Orange County Register
Cellphone Merger a Good Call
Ecomerce Times
AT&T May Have to Break Out Its Dancing Shoes
Yahoo! News
Challenge To T-Mobile Deal Brings Out Fans and Critics
Los Angeles Times
U.S. Fears Lost Jobs If AT&T Merger is Approved
AT&T Vows to Pursue T-Mobile Merger Despite DOJ block
E Week
U.S. Suit to Block ATandT, T-Mobile Deal Draws Sharp Interest Group Reaction
E Week
MrFuddlesticks, the Renton Police Department and Online Civil Liberties
In the last two decades, the Internet has revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize. Unfortunately, our legal system has yet to adapt to the…
Human Events
Big Brother Goes Green
Pittsburgh Live
Request for Social Media Curbs in Britain Spark Debate
Orange County Register
E-Verify is an Abysmal Failure
Coalition Letter on Data Retention Bill
Cop Block
Alyona Show: How to Cop Proof Your Cell Phone
Mercury News
Why Google probe should worry consumers
Is Google too big? Some government officials in Washington, D.C., certainly seem to think so. Last week, the Federal Trade Commission launched a formal…
Ecomerce Times
1plusV Lobs Another Antitrust Grenade at Google
PC Magazine
Google Confirms FTC Investigation; Will States Launch Inquiries, Too?
Tech News World
FCC Aims to Get Carriers’ Sticky Fingers Out of Customers’ Pockets
A Sledgehammer, a Silver Bullet, or Something in Between? Experts Debate ‘Do Not Track’
CEI Submits Comments on the AT&T — T-Mobile Merger Before the Federal Communications Commission
Full Docmument Available in PDF The Competitive Enterprise Institute submits this reply comment regarding the…
Investor's Business Daily
Reform Sarbox To Galvanize High-Tech IPOs
Silicon Valley is teeming with budding startups whose user bases and valuations are skyrocketing. As these companies seek breathing room to grow, they will…
PROTECT IP Act: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Combating "rogue websites" is a top priority for many in Congress this year. Lawmakers have held several hearings over the past few months…