
What Free Market?

In his eagerness to attack free markets, Mr. Stern has confused the mixed economy’s crony capitalism for the real thing.


Missing the Bigger Story

Kumar does not mention that Virginia’s budget is set to increase by $1.1 billion in 2012. This new spending outweighs the proposed cuts by a…


Today’s Links: November 29, 2011

OPINION ELVIS COSTELLO: "Steal This Record" "Unfortunately, we at find ourselves unable to recommend [Costello's soon-to-be-released compendium] to you as the…


Journalistic Humor

An (inentionally?) humorous lede in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer: The Internal Revenue Service office in Seattle is investigating an infestation of possible blood-sucking parasites -- bedbugs…


Let Me Be Clear

Editor, Politico: Jonathan Allen’s November 28 article, “Mandatory budget cuts after supercommittee failure will trigger pain for some,” is misleading. A cut is when spending…


Isaac Newton’s Funeral

Isaac Newton's life was a landmark event in the history of science. His funeral was, unknowingly, a landmark event in the history of human freedom.


The Poor Benefit Most

Deirdre McCloskey's Great Fact is the leaps and bounds that human well-being has made over the last 200 years. The improvement is a factor of…


How to Lose an Argument

Erskine tells a story that explains to Paine’s prosecutors why someone who threatens force during an argument is almost surely wrong:…


One Measure of Progress

This quote from friend-of-CEI Matt Ridley is too good not to share. Something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving:…