Obama Includes Toyota, Hyundai and Kia in 75,000 Jobs “Created” by GM Bailout
This post was coauthored by CEI Research Associate Andrew Kwiatkowski As we write, President Obama and Vice President Biden are doing a victory lap…
Crony Capitalism, the TSA, and Insider Trading
“Model” Foreign Aid Recipient Uses Foreign Aid to Repress Its Citizens
Ethiopia is considered a model recipient of foreign aid by international aid agencies, since it uses much of the aid on its people, rather than…
Two GOP Senators Say Get Rid of Ethanol Subsidies; Gore Says His Support for Ethanol Subsidies a Mistake
In the Washington Post’s “Plum Line” column today Greg Sargent focuses on two GOP senators’ campaign to get rid of the ethanol subsidies that…
CEI Podcast — November 23, 2010: The Crusade Against Alcohol Energy Drinks
Baylen Linnekin, author of the recent CEI On Point "Extreme Refreshment Crackdown: The FDA’s Misguided Campaign Against Alcohol Energy Drinks" looks at the recent push…
Morning Media Summary
Tech: Facebook censors, cracksdown on breastfeeding photos: “In one of the photos that keeps getting Emma Kwasnica’s Facebook account suspended, the Montreal-based mother…
High-Speed Rail in China: On Track for Failure
In recent years, Western media reports have been filled with fawning descriptions of China’s investment in high-speed bullet trains: “China Leads World In High-Speed…
Press coverage
Not often that you see class actions discussed on, but Tuesday Morning Quarterback gave us a shout-out for our objection in the Classmates…
Anti-Terrorism: A Political Auto-Immune Disease?
Afternoon Links: November 22, 2010
No Sense in Maryland’s “Dime-a-Drink” Tax Increase
Entitlement America? Who Has More Disposable Income?
Unions’ Shifting Lame Duck and NLRB Agenda
With Democrats losing control of the House of Representatives and a substantial number of seats in the Senate, organized labor’s hopes of seeing its legislative…
Alcohol Industry Infighting Leads to Wacky and Costly Regulation
If the ban on alcohol-containing energy drinks tells us anything, it’s that American alcohol policy continues its tradition of being very wacky. If you…
Six Ways Congress Can Fix COICA Copyright Bill
Over at the Technology Liberation Front, I discuss the “Combating Online Infringements and Counterfeits Act” (COICA), which the Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously…
Minnesota AFL-CIO Pushes for Wisconsin “High-Speed” Rail
I’m currently in my home state of Minnesota, a place known to non-lefty residents as the People’s Republic of Minnesota, a place where the state’s…
Al Gore Backtracks on Corn Ethanol
Whoops. Turns out Gore thinks he made a mistake; it wasn’t such a good policy in the first place. Who would have known that politicians,…
Obesity Letters Assume Parents Can’t See Their Children
A school district in Arizona is implementing a controversial program that has the world talking: they will be weighing students and sending notes home…
Morning Media Summary
Tech: FCC chief on net neutrality: Trust me: “FCC chairman Julius Genachowski now finds himself caught between unfulfilled promises made to the tech…
GM IPO Raises Billions, But Company Faces Hidden Challenges; Bailout Still Not Repaid
General Motors raised more than $20 billion in an initial public offering (IPO) this week, selling millions of shares owned by the federal government,…
Regulation of the Day 160: Sleeping in Public
In Roselle Park, New Jersey, it is against the law to fall asleep in public.
Greg Conko on “Frankenfish”
FDA Killing Big Beer’s Competitors
If you saw the movie Beer Wars, which was released last year, you might remember one hard-working entrepreneur featured in the film named Rhonda…
Afternoon Links: November 19, 2010
Voters Rejected Enviro-Alarmism About Gulf Oil Spill
My colleague Ben Lieberman’s thoughtful op-ed in The Washington Times focuses on voters’ rejection of environmental alarmism about the Gulf oil spill. It appears…
CEI Weekly: CEI Looks at Finances of Big Unions
TSA Regulations Likely Increase Travel Deaths
As air travel becomes increasingly expensive or more inconvenient, travelers on the margin will choose driving rather than flying. For example, the TSA began requiring…
Four Loko: Just How Potent is the Caffeinated Alcoholic Drink?
Over the past few days, I’ve gotten plenty of angry e-mail from people critical of my defense of caffeinated alcoholic beverages…
Morning Media Summary
Tech: House bill would give DHS authority over private sector networks: “A new bill unveiled Wednesday by House Homeland Security…