
Over the top?

Neil Clark, who usually writes for the Guardian, on his blog, mocks what he calls another commenter’s “over the top” Che Guevara analogy. And…


Danger in the Skies

Since the government took over aviation security since 9/11, security has actually gotten worse. Fake bombs usually pass undetected by the Transportation Security Administration…


SCHIP Veto: No Victory

The upholding of Bush’s SCHIP veto is no big victory for spending control. As reported in Time magazine online on Wednesday, Bush wasn’t exactly…


The New Sin Tax on Water

Today’s USA Today reports on the growing trend among city lawmakers to tax, ban, and otherwise regulate bottled water. CEI recently highlighted the absurdity…


Farm Bill Makes You Fat?

The Financial Times has an article on how the agricultural subsidies contained in the Farm Bill seemingly promote obesity by encouraging the production and…


SCHIP Building

Today the house is expected to vote to override President Bush’s veto of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program bill—which would increase the funding by…


FCC Internet Deregulation Upheld

The federal Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia recently upheld an FCC ruling that deregulated high-speed internet service over traditional phone lines. The…


Most Preposterous Claim Ever

This one takes the cake. If there was a Nobel Prize for Absurd Assertions (hmmm, perhaps there is) RFK Jr would win it hands down…


When Everything Is A Crime

At Slate, Tim Wu explores how the federal criminal code has become so vast that almost anyone can be prosecuted for violating some obscure…



A world where there’s not enough electricity. This story I found in the Philadelphia Inquirer this weekend is a view into where life will…


Corporate Welfare for Sports Moguls

Government finances are suffering, spending on the Iraq war continues to escalate while Social Security and Medicare continue to head over the financial cliff. Yet…


Credit Unions and Payday Lending

Wayne told me about an NPR story about credit unions getting into the payday loan alternative business. My only comment is: Why didn’t they…


How To Allocate White Space

The white space debate is intensifying, with the National Association of Broadcasters running television ads showing a grandmother watching pixilated football thanks to unlicensed wireless…


And so it begins…

Wayne emails today with a link to an NPR story about an ominous milestone in U.S. history: The first member of the Baby…


Al Gore and the Presidency

If Al Gore harbors Presidential ambitions, he would be insane to run in ’08. In the parlance of campaign operatives, Al Gore”‘owns” the global warming…


Eeek! More Banks

Today’s Washington Post carries a story decrying the growth of bank branches in the District of Columbia. Reporter Paul Schwartzman writes: District officials…