
Is Stalinism catching on?

A startling Reuters article today was titled “Gorbachev warns Russians against rise of Stalinism.” As reported, the former Soviet president made his…


D.C. Gun Control Inconsistency

The District of Columbia is currently defending Washington, D.C.’s gun ban before the Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller. It argues that the…


Hummers and Hybrids

The Hummer is the bane of the greens’ existence. It is big and loud, so it makes an easy target for those so keen on…


Plastic Ode to Freedom

“Rock ‘n’ roll is about rebellion” may be one of the world’s most tired cliches, but in the case of the Czech art-rock outfit Plastic…


Supreme Court Mulls Voter ID Laws

You can’t board a plane or enter many courthouses without having some form of photo identification. But you can vote in many states without identification…


SCHIP Tax Increase Looms

Congress may be on the verge of increasing tobacco taxes to expand the federal SCHIP health care program so that it covers not only low-income…



Organized Labor made its intention clear to reverse the National Labor Relations Board's "Kentucy River" decision, which clarified the definition of "supervisor" in the context…


News Flash: Beijing is still there

The BBC reports that despite some government prodding — though subtle by Chinese standards — Beijing drivers largely ignored “National No Car Day,” China’s…


And now for some musical venting

Yellow Day Brigade is a punk band that takes a decidedly unfashionable pro-freedom political stance, or as they call it, “Music consistent with the…


Schwarzenegger: False Prophet

If you happen to catch Arnold Schwarzenegger’s speech to the U.N. on climate change today, please remember as you listen that the governator is full…


Ag + You = $$$

Mining giant Barrick Gold has recently announced a fascinating challenge to would-be mining engineers of the world: if you can think up a new…