
Card check update

The union-backed mandatory card-check organizing bill, misleadingly dubbed the Employee Free Choice Act (H.R. 800, S. 1041), is likely to come up for a…


Tires from China

Today’s news contains word that The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is calling for the recall of 450,000 Chinese tires that apparently come apart…

Consumer Freedom


Chem Goes PC

An interesting, depressing article in today’s Inside Higher Ed describes the advances that the Green Left have made in the teaching of undergraduate…

Energy and Environment


Free NYC Garbage!

New York City Lawmakers are all worked up about garbage. It should be simple to collect and dispose of waste, even in a big city.


A “Choice” We Can Refuse

The Senate will soon vote on the card-check organizing mandate perversely known as the “Employee Free Choice Act.” This law would allow unions to circumvent…