
What’s going on at NASA?

Steve McIntyre finds something fishy happening with NASA’s records of historical temperatures. This deserves investigation.


Another One Bites the Dust

Otherwise quite-sound South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford has weighed in on the political “global warming” sweepstakes with an op-ed in today’s Washington Post. To…


Fred Smith on Antiquities

Fred Smith’s presentation at Guatemala’s Universidad Francisco Marroquin on how markets can help protect antiquities is now available online.


Gore flunks Oscar documentary rules

Intrepid Journalist Kevin Mooney of just filed a can’t-miss story on Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth”. On the verge of the Academy Awards,…


Defending the Indefensible

A Guardian correspondent attempts to defend his admitted alarmism over global warming. In the comments, climate change economist Richard Tol dismantles his arguments: First,…


Foolish and Dangerous Advice

Editorial writers in today’s Orlando Sentinel say they oppose Department of Homeland Security regulations that attempt to beef up security at the nation’s chemical…


Videos: The Good

British web-based advocacy group/ think tank/ TV station has released an ad on ‘A World Without America.‘ It makes the case for technological adaptation…


More on Unions, in IBD

I’m quoted in today’s Investor’s Business Daily on organized labor’s struggle to remain relevant in the private sector, where its numbers have been declining…


EU Comes Clean on Reg Policy

For years, we at CEI have warned that the European Union was using multilateral environmental agreements not just to defend its trade-obstructing precautionary regulation from…


Your goals are China in your hand

Well, I never. China admits it failed to meet any of its environmental goals for 2006: China’s environmental watchdog admitted Monday the country had…


Much Toxic Ado About Nothing

Today, Reps. Frank Pallone (D-N.J.) and Hilda Solis (D-Calif.) and Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) reportedly will introduce the Toxic Right-to-Know Protection Act, which would reverse…