
Bush Vetoes SCHIP Expansion

Bush just vetoed a multibillion dollar bill expanding the SCHIP health care program, which would have increased budget deficits as well as cigarette and…


Double Standards on Campus

The distinguished legal commentator Stuart Taylor, who exposed prosecutor Michael Nifong’s misconduct and lies in the Duke lacrosse rape case, has an interesting…


Justice Thomas’s Interesting Memoirs

Supreme Court justices have a politically sensitive job, issuing rulings that are politically charged. As Finley Peter Dunne observed a century ago, the Supreme Court…


Lee Bollinger’s Cynical Posturing

The Wall Street Journal’s OpinionJournal aptly describes the cynical posturing of Lee Bollinger, Columbia University’s president, who first invited the oppressive Iranian despot Mahmoud…


D.C. Gun Control Inconsistency

The District of Columbia is currently defending Washington, D.C.’s gun ban before the Supreme Court in District of Columbia v. Heller. It argues that the…


Supreme Court Mulls Voter ID Laws

You can’t board a plane or enter many courthouses without having some form of photo identification. But you can vote in many states without identification…


SCHIP Tax Increase Looms

Congress may be on the verge of increasing tobacco taxes to expand the federal SCHIP health care program so that it covers not only low-income…