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New bill would restore agency deference and weaken Congress’s authority
New legislation introduced today by Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) would reverse the recent Supreme Court decision in Loper Bright and codify deference to federal…
Capital Matters
Corner Post: Helping Hold the Administrative State to Account
Much attention has been paid to the Supreme Court’s recent overrule of the 40-year-old Chevron decision in Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo. Chevron had facilitated the expansion…
Fox News
Federal judge rules that 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional
Fox News cites CEI’s Devin Watkins and Dan Greenberg on Hobby Distillers Association v. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau et al: Devin Watkins,…
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News Release
Washington Couple Challenging Federal Shareholder Tax Petition Supreme Court to Take Up Their Case
Kathleen and Charles Moore, a Washington state couple challenging a 2017 tax on their shares in a foreign company, petitioned the Supreme Court today…
Kathleen and Charles Moore Prepare to take their Fight Against Taxing Unrealized Gains to Supreme Court
In 2017, Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The new law was a reform of the federal tax code, but also included a…
Written testimony on amendment to HB 593 (forfeiture reform)
In the statement below, I discuss several ways that the proposed amendment to HB 593 will improve New Hampshire’s justice system. The House Committee on…
News Release
New Video: Kathleen and Charles Moore on Why the Supreme Court Should Hear their Challenge to Tax on Unrealized Gains
“If you haven’t received any income, how can you be required to pay income taxes?” The question, asked by Charles Moore in a new…
Memoirs of a Prosecutor
Foreword Viewers who have seen the classic TV detective show Dragnet will recall the lines that introduced each episode: “The story you are about to…
News Release
CEI Seeks Court Order on National Climate Task Force Records
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) sought a court order to preserve relevant documents and other materials from the White House’s National Climate Task…