Trump Exceeds One-In, Two-Out Goals on Cutting Regulations, But it May be Getting Tougher
The Trump administration has released the Fall 2018 edition of the twice-yearly Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions.
USA Today
Tesla Shareholders, Not the Government, Should Hold the CEO Leash
Depending on whom you talk to, Tesla CEO Elon Musk is either the next Henry Ford or the next P.T. Barnum. Musk’s explosive tweets reverberate…
The Washington Times
Judge Tentative Ruling on Roundup is Good News for Farmers, Consumers
It’s good news for consumers that a superior court judge may put the brakes on a case alleging that the popular killer Roundup causes cancer.
National Review
USMCA Sets a Worrying Precedent
Economists—and the world—breathed a sigh of relief when the United States, Canada, and Mexico stepped back from the brink of a trade war. That’s good…
Morning Consult
Trump’s Trade War Isn’t Working Because Tariffs Hurt Americans
The Trump administration recently announced a trade agreement that will replace the 24-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement with the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. The new…
Daily Caller
Politics Undermines Ethics Rules at the National Labor Relations Board
Republican appointees to the nation’s most powerful labor policy-making board have become the target of an ongoing campaign to sideline their voices and votes.
Environmental Law Institute
Pruitt’s Gone, But Wheeler Carries on Agenda
Scott Pruitt’s 16-month tenure as EPA administrator turned out to be a mixed bag. When President-elect Trump nominated Pruitt, he thought he was getting exactly…
Inside Sources
Displaced Workers Could Benefit From Apprenticeships, but for One Labor Regulation in the Way
By most measures, the economy is booming. Unemployment is at a 49-year low of 3.7 percent. The economy grew at an annualized…
The Daily Caller
Opinion: Why the Government Should Stand Aside and Allow T-Mobile and Sprint to Merge
On Sept. 11, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced it needed more time to review the pending merger of T-Mobile and Sprint. Meanwhile, the Department…
Washington Examiner
Congress Already Ruined Sports Betting Once; Don’t Let Them Do it Again
After a prohibition lasting more than two decades, Americans outside Nevada can at last bet on sports without breaking the law.
The Washington Examiner
A Decade after the Financial Crisis, the Government Fuels Another Housing Bubble
Ten years ago this month marks the anniversary of one of the most dramatic events of the 2008 financial crisis: the collapse of Lehman Brothers,…
The Rules for Rulemaking: a Cheat-Sheet Glossary of the Administrative State
The following chronological overview of America's regulatory oversight regime emerged from noticing the many categories of rules and regulations in play in the insiders' game…
National Review
A New Kind of Trade Agreement
America’s old trade alliances are breaking down. NAFTA is being renegotiated, and might even exclude Canada. The successful Korea–U.S. deal has also been redone. We…
The Federalist
7 Attorney General Offices are Running Private Investigations for a Billionaire
This is the second scheme we have found of donors and elected officials using nonprofits as ‘cutouts’ to provide staff, consultant, PR and legal support…
A Trump Executive Order on Regulatory Guidance Documents Can Pick up the Ball Congress Dropped
Reform of so-called guidance documents or policy statements seeped into the broader regulatory reform debate in a number of ways, such as their incorporation into…
The Hill
If a Conservative Facebook is Such a Good Idea, Why Hasn’t it Happened?
Donald Trump Jr. has joined in his father’s attacks on social media — but with a twist. He told Axios that “if a Trump supporter…
USA Today
This Labor Day, Consider A Labor Reform That Both Democrats And Republicans Can Get Behind
Labor Day was established in the late 19th century as a way to honor all the workers who contribute to the wealth and prosperity of…
The Costs Of Federal Agency Expertise
Whether the matter at hand is health, safety, economic or technology policy regulation, federal intervention is legitimized on the basis of presumed impartial expertise of…
Inside Sources
Ban on Texting While Driving? No
Should there be a nationwide ban on texting while driving? To many, the obvious answer is a resounding yes. After all, texting while driving, along…
Let Middle-Class Investors Join the ‘Accredited’ Club
With the increasing focus on inequality and cronyism on both Left and Right, one would think that politicians and bureaucrats would rush to get rid…
The Hill
Wildlife has little to show for staggering cost of Endangered Species Act
The Department of the Interior recently proposed significant changes to the rules implementing the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA). As welcome as these changes…
What Is The Effect Of Federal Regulation On Jobs?
A time of record employment is a perfect opportunity to reflect upon the conditions that enable it (suspicion of official employment statistics notwithstanding). How do you keep letting…
Arizona Daily Star
More Realistic Fuel Economy Rule Would Cut Traffic Fatalities and Lower Gas Prices
The Trump administration has proposed to halt the steady increases in auto fuel economy standards that were part of backroom deals made by the Obama…
Are Entrepreneurs Creating the Growing Economy, or is the Growing Economy Enabling Entrepreneurs?
It is taken as given that taxation and regulation affect business startups and job creation. However, the many metrics seeking to explain governmental policies' effects…
The Pittsburgh Tribune
Pa. Workers Deserve Freedom From Forced Union Representation
Pennsylvania public employees are now free to decide how best to spend their hard-earned paychecks. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court in Janus v. AFSCME…
The Daily Caller
Right to Work is Right for Missouri
Private-sector workers in states without Right-to-Work laws can still be forced to pay fees to a union they vehemently disagree with, even as their public…
The Sacramento Bee
PRO: More Realistic Fuel Economy Rule Would Cut Traffic Fatalities and Lower Car Prices
The Trump Administration has proposed to halt the steady increases in auto fuel economy standards that were part of backroom deals made by the Obama…
Morning Consult
Washington’s War on Air Conditioning
Washington, D.C., is a heavily air-conditioned city. Summers here are hot and very humid, and each workday, an army of politicians and bureaucrats makes the…
Inside Sources
Is Your Weed Killer Killing You?
You might think that the popular weed killer known as Roundup is causing cancers around the world thanks to alarming news coverage of pending lawsuits.
Are Entrepreneurs Creating The Growing Economy, Or Is The Growing Economy Enabling Entrepreneurs?
It is taken as given that taxation and regulation affect business startups and job creation. However the many metrics seeking to explain governmental policies' effects on entrepreneurship probably…
Trump’s 2018 Regulatory Reform Agenda by the Numbers
The Trump administration has released the new Spring 2018 edition of the twice-yearly Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions.
Should Congress be Repealing Agency Rules that are Already Invalid?
The Senate has voted to repeal a 2013 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) regulatory guidance document that took the form of a “bulletin” on “Indirect…
An Inventory of Federal Agency Guidance Documents
Is that an exciting click-bait title or what? It gets even better though. Federal regulations’ hundreds of billions in costs and burdens are a familiar…
Networking and Automation are Upending the Scholarly Study of Entrepreneurship
The changing nature of work via the sharing economy, automation and networking is one among a profusion of variables (such as economic liberty) affecting modern…
National Review
The EU Attempts to Become the World’s Antitrust Regulator
The European Union recently announced it would fine Google $5 billion for alleged anti-competitive practices in the licensing of its Android smartphone operating system. There…
CNS News
Sorry, GOP Rep. Curbelo: A Carbon Tax is Not a Conservative Policy
Is a carbon tax a conservative idea whose time has come? Carbon tax proponents have been preaching that message for years. It is nonsense.
The Washington Examiner
A Carbon Tax Would be a Costly Failure
Recently, some Republicans have developed the rather unfortunate habit of floating tax increases shortly after cutting taxes. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, signed into…
Born Or Made? Personal Characteristics that Influence Entrepreneurship
Regulation is one of the more important influences on entrepreneurship around the world, and modern scholars have explored what the see as key conceptual and…
Compliance Week
Counterpoint: Chevron Case Creates Imbalance
The famous passage from James Madison in the Federalist Papers, Essay 51—“If men were angels, no government would be necessary”—reveals where the problems lie with…
USA Today
Andrew Wheeler Keeps a Low Profile at the EPA, Gets Things Done
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt was driven from office by a steady drumbeat of allegations of personal misconduct. Now that this orchestrated campaign has…
USA Today
Andrew Wheeler keeps a low profile at the EPA, gets things done
Americans Celebrate July 4th — But Can They Celebrate Independence?
News reports on Fourth of July polling pointedly distinguish between “proud to be an American” and “proud of America now,” in a way less apparent…
What do Scholars Say About the Empirical Relationships Between Regulation and Entrepreneurship?
In the Fraser Institute’s new volume Demographics and Entrepreneurship: Mitigating the Effects of an Aging Population, chapter authors observe that the more red tape and…
What Do Scholars Say About The Conceptual Relationship Between Regulation And Entrepreneurship?
We know that “Institutions Matter” when it comes to governance and prosperity. They have to, because the phrase returns over 200,000 Google search results.
Pinpointing The Role Of Economic Liberty In Inspiring Global Entrepreneurship
It is hard to start a business that works. Most people do not attempt it. The reasons are complex, but the World Bank’s Doing Business…
Fox News
Supreme Court’s Janus decision is a win for government workers (and all Americans)
In its 5-4 ruling Wednesday in Janus vs. AFSCME (American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees), the Supreme Court overturned decades-old precedent that allowed…
Inside Sources
How States Can Increase Worker Freedom After Janus
he U.S. Supreme Court struck down forced union dues for state government workers this week, in a ruling that restores the First Amendment rights of…
Trump’s Executive Branch Restructuring: What If The Federal Government Is Beyond Streamlining?
Can the federal government shrink? Or is the situation like the waistlines that paradoxically parallel the growth of the diet and fitness industry?…
The Washington Examiner
Judge Protects Us from ‘Protection’ Bureau
As the Senate prepares for what should be a contentious confirmation hearing for President Trump’s nominee to head the powerful Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection…
Washington Examiner
Judge protects us from ‘protection’ bureau
As the Senate prepares for what should be a contentious confirmation hearing for President Trump’s nominee to head the powerful Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection…