Administration Keeping Cozy with Union Bosses
President Barack Obama has appointed Service Employees International Union President Andrew Stern to a new commission tasked with coming up with recommendations to…
Proxy Access: The Obama-Dodd-Alinsky Shareholder Jujitsu
What would Saul Alinksy do? In the wake of defeats for the Obama administration last month both with Scott Brown’s stunning Senate…
Administration Keeping Cozy with Union Bosses
President Barack Obama has appointed Service Employees International Union President Andrew Stern to a new commission tasked with coming up with recommendations…
American Spectator
You Stay Classy, Sacramento
In many countries, electric utilities struggle to keep up with demand, and often fail. The World Bank estimates that almost 1.5 billion men, women, and…
American Spectator
The EU Searches for a Monopolist, Finds Google
If policy makers set the terms in a primitive year like 2010, nobody will have to respond to Google.
Amarillo Globe News
Texas Attorney General Abbott Takes on the EPA
The Environmental Protection Agency’s mission is to protect human health and the environment. But who protects humans from the EPA? The answer, in part, is…
Opposing Views
Are Hot Dogs Really at “High Risk” of Killing Kids?
Hot dogs are delicious. Especially if you don’t think too hard about what they’re made of. Kids love them. So do adults. With baseball’s spring…
Opposing Views
Credit Card Act Hits Cardholders, Entrepreneurs
Today, the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009 goes into effect and is being hailed as a boon for consumers.
Opposing Views
FCC Calls for Faster Internet in the U.S.
Internet access is not a right. It is a privilege; one that we pay for. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, while not explicitly demanding high-speed…
Opposing Views
Tom ‘I, Me, Mine’ Friedman Responds to the Global Warming Deniers, Hilarity Ensues
The New York Times’ leading in-house global warming obsessive, Thomas Friedman, has quite a column today. It is more a tantrum, really, as…
Fargo-Moorehead Forum
It’s Not a Dirty Air Act
A political advocacy coalition this week started a statewide advertising campaign warning North Dakotan Senators Byron Dorgan and Kent Conrad against voting for the “Dirty…
Grand Forks Herald
Let Congress Decide
A political advocacy coalition this week started a statewide advertising campaign warning North Dakotan Senators Byron Dorgan and Kent Conrad against voting for the “Dirty…
Ventura County Star
Partly Correct
Re: Thomas D. Elias’ Feb. 9 column, “Misguided opposition to AB32 and cap and trade”: Elias wrote that “doing something about greenhouse-gas emissions doesn’t necessarily…
Ventura County Star
Bush Billboard in Minnesota Asks “Miss Me Yet?”
A billboard appeared in Wyoming, Minn. this week (the person/org responsible is still unknown) with the visage of former President George W. Bush…
Ventura County Star
MoveOn’s Triple Whopper
Air quality in the United States has improved dramatically over the past 40 years, yet MoveOn.Org wants you to believe that breathing the air…
Ventura County Star
Killing Health Care Competition With Antitrust
Comprehensive health reform now seems dead. But at a press conference last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that Democrats would pursue easier-to-pass incremental…
Ventura County Star
Use of Genetically Modified Alfalfa Unnecessarily Held Hostage
What’s the most sustainable way to grow the food we eat? If you think the answer is always local and organic, you may be…
Ventura County Star
Killing Health Care Competition with Antitrust
Comprehensive health reform now seems dead. But at a press conference last week, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that Democrats would pursue easier-to-pass incremental…
Ventura County Star
Rats, Humans and the Risks of BPA
Cheers to the Journal for your editorial "Baby Bottle Red Alert" (Jan. 30) on bisphenol A. On Jan. 27 the Cascade Policy…
Ventura County Star
Why do Liberal Environmentalists put Their Agenda Above the Safety of America and it’s Citizens?
Environmentalists, with the help of politicians and other government officials, have an agenda that has cost thousands of American lives. In the…
Ventura County Star
Obama can Aid Small Businesses by Providing Regulatory Reform
In news accounts about fights over new regulation, the story is almost always the same. The media portray the drama as that of well-intentioned…
Ventura County Star
The Corporate Library: Servant of Special Interests
Full Document Available in PDF Labor unions, left-leaning foundations and activists declare their support…
Ventura County Star
The Real Climate Confusion
Over at HuffPo, the founder of DeSmogBlog tries to divert attention from the collapsing "consensus" on global warming by saying that it’s all the…
Ventura County Star
Michigan’s Auto Insurance Rates Aren’t Highway Robbery
In most games, fair play is understood as playing by the rules and reaping rewards or penalties within the game’s parameters. Yet for many…
Ventura County Star
Did Ben Fold?
Looking back at the Federal Reserve Board’s attempts at self-justification after the Great Depression in Free to Choose, Milton and Rose Friedman concluded that…
Ventura County Star
Obama’s Bank-Busting Regulation Full of Bugs
President Obama’s proposal on Thursday to bring back 1930s-era separation of commercial and investment banking would do little to prevent the problem of financial…
Ventura County Star
Obama Plan to Split Banks Could Crash Economy
President Obama’s proposal today to bring back 1930s-like separation of commercial and investment banks, dubbed Glass-Steagall II or Glass-Steagall 2.0, would do…
Ventura County Star
Crisis Management
One of the more confusing aspects of the great economic meltdown of 2008-09—even more confusing than collateralized debt obligations—has been the tortured…
Ventura County Star
Year One Report Card: Treasury gets a ‘D’
In a libertarian world of civil rather than political society, the Treasury Department would pay the modest bills of a constitutionally limited government. It’s…
Ventura County Star
The Bank Tax and the Bay State
As the race for the late Ted Kennedy’s seat goes into the home stretch, financial-services policy has suddenly emerged as a top issue in…
Ventura County Star
SarBox Might be Coming to an End
Prospects for substantial relief from or repeal of one of the most burdensome corporate regulations in recent memory have suddenly grown in Congress and…
Philadelphia Inquirer
Climate and Rogue States Not Smoothly Linked
Marshall Saunders argues that fighting climate change is important for national security because warmer temperatures will cause food and water crises in poor countries, thereby…
Philadelphia Inquirer
Obama’s Penalty Tax Could Hit Banks that Refused TARP Funds
President Obama’s so-called Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee is a tax in search of a target. Today, the president declared, “We want our…
Philadelphia Inquirer
Financial Crisis Hearing Is Partisan Sham
Today marks the first-ever meeting of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, which is charged with investigating the causes of the mortgage meltdown.
Philadelphia Inquirer
Sarbanes-Oxley: Albatross to Growth
Many economists, policy makers, and members of Congress of both parties are questioning whether what is good for the Big Four accounting firms is…
Philadelphia Inquirer
As-salt on Science
On Monday, city officials rolled out an initiative to curb the salt content in manufactured and packaged foods. But the idea behind it — that…
Washington Times
Secret Science from the CIA?
The CIA has reactivated a Clinton-era program, code-named MEDEA (Measurements of Earth Data for Environmental Analysis), that allows environmental scientists access to classified…
Washington Times
Green Jobs, or Pink Slips?
Jim Doyle last week unveiled his marquee energy initiative, the Clean Energy Jobs Act. He says the legislation would create “green jobs,”…
Washington Times
More Enron-Like Behavior by Obama Administration
Earlier, The Washington Post reported on how the Obama administration pressured Freddie Mac not to disclose to investors and the SEC the $30 billion…
Washington Times
Letter to the Editor: TSA Doesn’t Need Any More Obstacles
The Examiner was right to oppose unionizing the Transportation Security Administration, which would harm airline security and reduce its effectiveness. But the TSA is…
Washington Times
VA Considers Mandate on Divorced Parents to Pay for College
Married parents don’t have any legal obligation to pay for their adult children’s college education or living expenses. But a bill just…
Washington Times
Change We Can Really Believe In
Over the last century, America has lurched down a path toward statism. And Presidents Bush and Obama accelerated the expansion of government power by…
Washington Times
Stimulus Package Forces States to Raise Taxes
The federal government’s $800 billion stimulus package, which failed to cut unemployment, is now forcing states and local governments to raise taxes.
Richmond Times-Dispatch
UN Sponsored Sad Waste of Energy,Passion, and Money
President Barack Obama has declared that the outcome of the recent United Nations climate confab in Copenhagen—a/k/a the 15th Conference of the Parties…
Minneapolis Star Tribune
LETTER: The Minimum Wage: It’s a Job Killer and a Job Repressor
A Dec. 30 letter by a former career Labor Department bureaucrat claimed the haves have had it in for the have-nots for decades because the…
Washington Examiner
Seven Quotes about Communism
The 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall was widely remembered this past November, the 20th anniversary of one of the most momentous events in the…
The Economist
Letter to the Editor in the Economist
SIR – Public-sector unions have entrenched their privileges through a combination of political dynamics that have proven extremely difficult to overcome. For example,…
The Economist
No Government in the Bedroom
Three cheers for the judge in Los Angeles who dismissed the petition to mandate condom use in adult films. While the spread of sexually…
The Economist
U.S. Government Undermining Air and Rail Security
An alleged terrorist from Nigeria has been charged with plotting to blow up an airliner. He carried explosives onto a plane and set…
New York Times
Letter to New York Times, “Assessing Outcome of Climate Talks”
To the Editor: Re ’’Copenhagen, and Beyond’’ (editorial, Dec. 21): You claim that the results of the United Nations climate conference in Copenhagen…