CEI Planet

Insurance Against Terrorism

After hijackers destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11, taxpayers ended up spending a lot of money to aid the injured, rebuild public infrastructure, improve…


New York Times

Toxic Revenge

A $27 billion lawsuit brought by an Ecuadorian attorney against Chevron-Texaco blames the oil company for crude spills that have polluted Ecuador’s formerly pristine…

Energy and Environment

RealClear World

Worst Idea of the Year

Later today [1:00 p.m. Thursday 7-9-9] former FEMA administrator James Lee Witt and former Coast Guard head James Loy –America’s two most trusted emergency…


The Washington Times

Letter to the Editor: Turn Off

Oliver North argues that Honduras was right to remove its president, who violated his country’s constitution (“Wrong-turn Obama,” Opinion, Sunday). Contrary to President Obama’s claims,…

Law and Litigation