MCOOL and the Politics of Country-of-Origin Labeling
The Mandatory Country-of-Origin Label (MCOOL) for beef and pork products was brought into force by the United States in 2008. It imposes uneven tracking, segregating,…
Give a Man a Fish
Attempts to prevent overfishing by promulgating regulations (which are often at odds with subsidies) have proved both ineffective and impossible to enforce. Ending subsidies and…
Ten Thousand Commandments 2012
The scope of federal government spending and deficits is sobering. Yet the government’s reach extends well beyond the taxes Washington collects and its deficit spending…
Fixing America’s Crumbling Underground Water Infrastructure
Opening municipal procurement processes to fair competition can help ensure Americans access to clean, reliable, and affordable water in their homes, schools, and businesses for…
Homesteading the Final Frontier
A proposed law requiring the United States to recognize land claims off planet under specified conditions offers the possibility of legal, tradable land titles, allowing…
The Real Meaning of “TSCA Modernization”
Modernizing the Toxic Substances Control Act, the federal law that regulates chemicals, could lead to bans on many valuable products, thereby undermining innovation and diverting…
The Conservative Case for Immigration Tariffs
The current immigration system is a complex bureaucracy that sets quotas, fees, and arbitrary restrictions that prevent most immigrants from attempting legal immigration. Replacing that…
The 400 Percent Loan, the $36,000 Hotel Room, and the Unicorn
Is a $16 surcharge on a $100 product unfair, unjust, and “predatory”? Hardly anyone flinches, for instance, at a $16 “resort fee” on a $100…
The Report on Carcinogens
There is nothing wrong in principle with publishing periodic reports identifying substances that pose carcinogenic risks to humans. But it would be a mistake to…
EPA Regulation of Fuel Economy: Congressional Intent or Climate Coup?
Full Document Available in PDF In May 2010, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a rule setting standards for motor vehicle…
Green Chemistry’s March of the Ostriches
Popular myths about man-made chemicals cause lawmakers to bury their heads in the sand and support restrictive regulations that do not realistically address risks to…
Plastic Bag Bans Are Bad for the Environment
The past several years have seen a groundswell of regulations on plastics, particularly plastic bags and polystyrene food containers. Supporters of these bans claim that…
EPA’s Shocking New Mexico Power Grab
The EPA engineered an ad hoc regulatory regime under the Clean Air Act in order to run roughshod over New Mexico’s rightful authority and impose…
A FAIR Criticism
A recent report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform argues for increased immigration restrictions as a way to address the federal budget deficit. However,…
The True Story of Cosmetics
Many environmental groups want to rid the world of synthetic chemicals. Now they are at war with your makeup.
ECPA Reform Petition
Stifling Medical Device Innovation
The United States has long been the home to cutting-edge innovations in the medical device industry. However, increasingly burdensome regulatory policy is driving pioneering research…
The Other National Debt Crisis
Runaway federal regulation represents the biggest threat to our economy today. To address the problem, lawmakers first need to define it and quantify its costs.
Free Trade Without Apology
Congress needs to stop trying to appease organized labor and approve free trade deals on the treaties’ own merits.
New Jersey’s Long Road Ahead
For years, union officials in New Jersey have gotten politicians from both parties to give in to their incessant demands for lavish taxpayer-funded benefits. Today,…
The EPA Runs Amuck
Full Document Available in PDF On June 26, 2009, the U.S. House of Representatives…
Stealing You Blind
Remember when we used to call government employees “public servants”? They’re servants no more—now they’re bureaucratic masters of the universe, claiming inflated salaries and early…
In America’s National Interest—Canadian Oil
Full Document Available in PDF Canada now provides more oil to the U.S.
Jump, Jive an’ Reform Regulation
Full Document Available in PDF Cost-benefit analysis has long been a centerpiece of regulatory reform proposals, with…
Trashing the Poor: The Interstate Garbage Dispte
Full Document Available in PDF This year, Virginia Governor James Gilmore decided that he would “save” his state from…
Michigan’s Insurance Industry: New Directions
Full Document Available in PDF With the coming of the administration of Republican Governor John Engler in 1991, Michigan’s…
Reef Madness: The Next Big Green Litigation Campaign?
Now that Russia has ratified the Kyoto Protocol, Australia is the only industrialized country besides the United States to reject the U.N.-sponsored climate treaty. However,…
Markets and the Environment: A Critical Reappraisal
The nature of the environmental problem perhaps is best addressed by reviewing the economic problem. The basic economic problem is scarcity. Demands are unlimited…
Safety, risk and the precautionary principle: rethinking precautionary approaches to the regulation of transgenic plants
Full Document Available in PDF Ever since completion of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in…
A Free-Market Environmental Program
The Soviet Union should not adopt the U.S. approach to protecting the environment. The fact that the United States has a superior environment has far…
Rethinking Federalism
Federal preemption of state law is a huge topic, with battles ongoing over the wisdom of preemption at the Federal Communications Commission and in the…
Freedom of Information vs Right to Privacy
The free movement of information throughout the economy and in government benefits Arizonans as citizens and consumers. At the same time, the right to privacy…
Short- and Long-Range Impacts of Increases in the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standard
A short-run 1.0 mile per gallon (MPG) increase in the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standard above existing, binding levels would impose welfare losses on…
ISO14000: Environmental Regulation By Any Other Name
THE GREENING OF INDUSTRY Over the course of the past 25 years, the governments of most developed countries have imposed increasingly stringent environmental regulations…
Hidden Truth: The Perils and Protection of Off-Label Drug and Medical Device Promotion
Full Document Available in PDF What can you do if you learn you have a life-threatening…
Rule Forcing Tests for Safer Air Bags Expected Today
A CARE-less Rush to Regulate Alcohol
Wine, beer, and spirit wholesalers have a long history of employing state laws to secure a guaranteed slice of the market. Recent court cases have…
Labor Unions and the Democratic Party
Full Document Available in PDF Recently AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka compared…
Financial Attack
Full Document Available in PDF Led by the radical Service Employees International Union (SEIU), left-wing unions and activist…
The Battle for Michigan
Full Document Available in PDF Michigan’s economy has been weakening for years as the Big Three…
Anti-BPA Packaging Laws Jeopardize Public Health
Full Document Available in PDF In public policy, bad ideas have an unfortunate…
Panel Transcript: Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children
MARK KRIKORIAN: Good morning. My name is Mark Krikorian. I’m executive director for the Center for Immigration Studies, a think tank here in town that…
Ten Thousand Commandments 2011
President Barack Obama’s new federal budget proposal for fiscal year (FY) 2012 seeks $3.729 trillion in discretionary, entitlement, and interest spending. In the previous fiscal…
Class Conflict
Gainful Employment Proposal Penalizes At-Risk Student Populations and Hurts the Economy…
Clearing the Air on the EPA’s False Regulatory Benefit-Cost Estimates and Its Anti-Carbon Agenda
The EPA’s anti-carbon campaign threatens to greatly undermine future U.S. economic growth and job creation, while doing virtually nothing to restrict global CO2 emissions, and,…
The Case for Reform of the Railway Labor Act
End Unionization through Regulation and Allow Workers to Decertify Unions…
EPA Guilty of Environmental Hyperbole in Mountaintop Mining Veto
On January 13, 2011, the EPA vetoed the issuance of a Clean Water Act permit by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to the Mingo…
Depoliticizing Groundwater
Full Document Available in PDF Groundwater management problems in Jakarta Indonesia, as recently highlighted in the Financial…
Reform Wetlands Policies
Liberate to Stimulate Index…
Let Market Forces Regulate Internet Gambling
In June 2010, the 2006 Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act (UIGEA) was implemented after years of delays. The law regulates banking and credit processes related…