Washington Times

AM Briefing

From The Washington Post‘s ThinkTanked: Competitive Enterprise Institute’s Matt Patterson: PETA vs. people … and animals. (Washington Examiner)…

Banking and Finance


Obamacare: Anyone Have a Plan B?

In just a few week the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments regarding the legal challenges to the administration's controversial health-care overhaul, especially the constitutionality of the so-called "individual mandate" that requires every American to purchase government-approved insurance. The…



Santa Claus: Conservative

In a world awash in socialism and socialist agitators (I’m looking at you, Occupy Wall Street, MSNBC...) it’s good to know at least Santa Claus…


Super Committee Follies

Imagine a home is on fire. Now imagine the inhabitants of that home arguing among themselves about how to put out the conflagration, or even…


Government Waste Nauseates

Voters in Colorado this week repudiated a slew of proposed tax increases, even those targeted for "education." The Associated Press reports: Voters [in Colorado] resoundingly…


The Great Receding

When I moved into my suburban Washington, D.C., neighborhood three years ago, the nearby town center was a thriving hub of restaurants, shops and theaters,…


State Budgets Busted

The nonprofit fiscal watchdog State Budget Solutions has conducted an extensive analysis of state government finances. Reuters sums up the dismal findings: State Budget Solutions…