
Julia Sand – Letter 9

Context The first Chinese Exclusion Act passed Congress, but on April 2, 1882, President Arthur vetoed the bill.   Julia makes…


Julia Sand – Letter 18

Context Julia references Dr. William Holme Van Buren, a well-respected surgeon. Years prior, he had turned down a nomination from Abraham Lincoln to…


Julia Sand – Letter 4

Context On October 19, 1881, President Arthur gave a speech at Yorktown for the 100th anniversary of the battle that won American independence.


Julia Sand – Letter 22

 Context Beyond the New York state elections, the country as a whole saw similar results in the elections of November 7, 1882 –…


Julia Sand – Letter 3

Context President Arthur had recently come back to visit New York City. This move raised concerns – both regarding if the President was…


Julia Sand – Letter 6

Context This letter was written a few days after the New York State elections of 1881.   Julia makes reference to…


Julia Sand – Letter 15

Context The “Park” referenced is Central Park. As Julia noted in letter 5, she lived near the 72nd Street entrance. Letter 15…


Julia Sand – Letter 13

Context Here Julia focuses on the River and Harbor bill of 1882. While intended as a way to improve infrastructure in the U.S.,…


Julia Sand – Letter 1

Context On July 2, 1881, President James Garfield – only four months into his term – was shot in the back at…


Julia Sand – Letter 10

Context Back in the fall of 1881, one of Charles Guiteau’s prison guards, Sergeant John A. Mason (some records list him as William…


Free to Prosper: Health care

For the first time in many years, health care has not been a top political issue. Nevertheless, there are several important health care…


Free to Prosper: Civil asset forfeiture

Civil asset forfeiture is a controversial tool used by federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to seize cash, vehicles, houses, or other…


Free to Prosper: Inflation

Inflation was most voters’ top issue in the 2024 election, even amid all the other distractions. While inflation is now back down to…


Free to Prosper: Introduction

According to the Competitive Enterprise Institute’s most recent count, federal regulatory agencies issued 46 rules for every law passed by Congress. This “unconstitutionality index” goes…


Free to Prosper

Free to Prosper: A Pro-Growth Agenda for the 119th Congress highlights specific steps lawmakers can take to prevent overreach by executive branch agencies, reduce the…


Gas stoves are great

The recent approval of a ballot initiative in Washington state to protect natural gas access for consumers has me ruminating on the gas stove issue. I have…



2024 Regulation roundup

All the major regulatory numbers for 2024’s new regulations are now in the books. Here are the highlights, followed by a little analysis and a preview of…
