
Let Me Be Clear

Editor, Politico: Jonathan Allen’s November 28 article, “Mandatory budget cuts after supercommittee failure will trigger pain for some,” is misleading. A cut is when spending…


Republicans for Sarbanes-Oxley

If there is one issue that may somewhat unite the GOP presidential field and the Obama administration, it’s disdain for a nearly ten-year-old law signed…


Isaac Newton’s Funeral

Isaac Newton's life was a landmark event in the history of science. His funeral was, unknowingly, a landmark event in the history of human freedom.


The Poor Benefit Most

Deirdre McCloskey's Great Fact is the leaps and bounds that human well-being has made over the last 200 years. The improvement is a factor of…


How to Lose an Argument

Erskine tells a story that explains to Paine’s prosecutors why someone who threatens force during an argument is almost surely wrong:…


One Measure of Progress

This quote from friend-of-CEI Matt Ridley is too good not to share. Something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving:…


Giving Thanks to Capitalism

In the new episode of his weekly vodcast, CEI President Fred L. Smith celebrates Thanksgiving by reminding us why we should be thankful for the…