Show Me the Warming
It’s the science scandal of the year. A thousand e-mails and 2,000 other documents were swiped from the server of Britain’s Climate Research Unit at…
Where did the global warming-caused hurricanes go?
Whoa! Did we just have a hurricane season? Doesn't seem that way. "2009 hurricane season ends quietly with fewest storms since 1997," declares on headline.
Global warming email scandal: Will the real Kevin Trenberth please stand up?
It has become evident that the planet is running a “fever” and the prognosis is that it is apt to get much worse. “Warming of…
Post Promotes Pig Pandemic Panic . . . and promotes and promotes . . .
Lack of global warming is “hot” issue
“Climatologists baffled by Global Warming Time-Out” declares the headline in Germany’s Spiegel online. “Global warming appears to have stalled. Climatologists are puzzled as to…
Flu Report Nov. 21 and my piece on the epidemic peak in NRO.
“Swine flu has killed 540 kids, sickened 22 million Americans,” screamed USA Today’s page 1 headline, sub-headed “CDC: Cases, Deaths are Unprecedented.” “Swine flu cases…
“Not fit for combat,” my article in Forbes
Not sure what DDT does to birds, but I know how it helps people
There’s been much in the news lately about the brown pelican being delisted as an endangered species since its recovery from the effects of…
Obvious answer to electric car “range anxiety” – gov’t handouts!
What’s the greatest fear of the owner of a purely electric car? Running out of juice, of course! Not even a tiny gasoline engine to…
Flu Watch Nov. 14 – What Swine Flu ISN’T Doing This Week
Yes, I will be posting about the new CDC swine flu estimates
At a glance, though, the estimates look okay it’s the spin and the lack of perspective that I have trouble with. And while the media…
Not without honor, save in his own home . . .
The government forgot about hiring the vet
With unemployment up yet again, it must be reassuring to Americans that job-seeking veterans are being helped so much by the government, and by all…
Flu Watch Nov. 7 – What Swine Flu Isn’t Doing This Week
Well, what swine flu isn’t doing this week is apparently less than what it wasn’t doing last week. In other words, it appears to have…
Just what IS in those enormous health care bills?
With the House version stacked bigger than Dolly Parton at about 2,000 pages, anybody who says they know for certain is lying. It’s not just…
Poll shows little faith in government, media
Swine flu “survivor” speaks out on media hysteria
From a letter to the editor of the Washington Post: It is ridiculous that The Post has dedicated so much of the A section…
Flu Watch Oct. 31 – What swine flu ISN’T doing this week
It’s Halloween, and the monster at the door is swine flu. Or so we’re told. Yet again. And people respond accordingly. “I’ve never seen it…
NY Guv orders state of panic over swine flu
Emulating the Obama Administration, New York Gov. David Paterson has “declared a state of emergency, saying a recent rise in swine flu cases has created…
Here’s the House health care reform bill, catering to the public’s right to know
Everything you need to know, right here. And the best part is, it’s only 1,990 pages long! Print it out and read it during…
Why did Obama declared a swine flu “emergency” with no emergency?
As I note in my Investor’s Business Daily article, swine flu cases in the last seven months, according to the CDC, equal about four…
Investor's Business Daily
The Administration’s Flu Fear-Mongering
‘In keeping with the administration’s proactive approach” to swine flu, the White House has announced that President Obama has declared the disease “a national emergency.”…
Obama’s swine flu “emergency” declaration
It’s a bunch of hog droppings. Watch for my upcoming article. In the meantime, read here on why we should not panic.
Poll shows belief in man-made warming down, but why?
A new poll shows a sharp decline over the last year in the percentage of Americans who see solid evidence that global temperatures are…
Widening a highway is both an environmental AND civil rights issue?
Was a time when “civil rights” meant things like equal opportunities in employment and schooling for racial and ethnic minorities. And “environmental” meant something affecting…
Fumento yells “Sooo-eeeee!” on Liddy
I bent G. Gordon Liddy’s ears back today on his radio show (easy to find them, given his lack of hair) on my current…
Weekly Flu Watch IV – What swine flu ISN’T doing
Total deaths since Aug. 30 from “Influenza and Pneumonia-Associated” illness are 2,029 reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Web site…
“The Pandemic Is Political,” my article in Forbes Online
As evidence continues to mount that swine flu is more of a piglet than a raging razorback, why isn’t curiosity mounting as to why the…
Web help wanted for
Windmills for spite
Clean Energy Splits France: It's Carbon vs. Countryside in Environmental Battle Over Plan for Windmills Near Coastal Shrine." So reads the Washington Post headline. But…
No “Weekly Flu Watch” this week
See instead my article “Swine Flu: the Real Threat Is Panic,” from the New York Post .
How did the President’s Council swine flu scenario measure up?
Sorta depends on who you ask. The read about the flu in the mainstream media, you would think men are going through the streets with…
World’s largest country reports first swine flu death
Six months into the swine flu outbreak China, with a population of over 1.3 billion or a fifth of the word’s population, has just…
Weekly Flu Watch – What swine flu ISN’T doing this week
Why does recycled paper make such crappy toilet paper?
“I remember the importance of toilet paper while being shelled a few times, a couple of times while on the throne. I don’t understand why…
Swinenewsflash! 21,000 college students missing!
“Twenty-one thousand college students are sick,” begins a Fox online news report titled: “H1N1 Picks Up Steam One Week Before Vaccine Becomes Available.” Wow!…
Enviros trying to wipe out soft toilet paper!
Okay, this time they’ve gone too far! Now, says the Washington Post, environmentalists are trying to wipe out plush toilet paper! They say that’s…
Pig pandemic panic calls for . . . Obamacare!
Weekly Flu Watch – What Swine Flu ISN’T Doing This Week
Every Friday the CDC website publishes a situation update on swine flu with figures updated through the previous week, though some of the data…
Tampon Terrorism
Fear is a sales pitch that has been used for decades to flog everything from alarm systems to underarm deodorant. But just think how it…
The Mismeasure of Man
The environmentalist assault on chlorine has taken a recent turn. Organochlorines, we are now told, not only cause cancer, they are capable of altering human…
The Mismeasure of Man
The environmentalist assault on chlorine has taken a recent turn. Organochlorines, we are now told, not only cause cancer, they are capable of altering human…
Rachel’s Folly: The End of Chlorine
Full Document Available in PDF The environmentalists are right about one thing: Dirty…