
Who gets the farm pork?

According to news reports, the U.S. Department of Agriculture will release on Wednesday a database showing just which farmers get part of the $56…


Model article

Excellent article from Ryan Meyer of the Center for Science, Policy and Outcomes at the University of Arizona on the inadequacies of models that…

Consumer Freedom


Lucy’s “Top Twaddlers”

I missed reading the Financial Times yesterday (Fred stole it), so missed until today Lucy Kellaway’s riotous column where she gives business jargon awards…


Who’s the Denier?

The Charleston Daily Mail editorial page recently featured “Rockefeller is Out of Line” a critique of the Senator’s “intemperate attempt to squelch debate.” Sen.


Did he really just say that?

Daniel Schrag, a Harvard climatologist, is disgusted at the way the democratic process handles his issue. So disgusted, in fact, he…


Ahmet Ertegun, RIP

The intersection between commerce and culture is a space that few people have occupied as successfully as Atlantic Records founder Ahmet Ertegun, who passed away…