
More Katrina Waste

Yesterday, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin issued an executive order commanding businesses seeking federally-funded disaster relief administered by the City of New…


Ring fingers and sports potential

All that stuff written about early admission college programs being discriminatory, here’s a new wrinkle on possible “early admission” to sports…


Is Mozart anti-Muslim?

The Deutsche Oper in Berlin on Monday cancelled a production of Mozart’s “Idomeneo” because of fears of inciting Muslim protesters to violence. There was…


Of Mice and Men

A new study shows that mice that drink moderate amounts of wine everyday suffer from less memory loss and brain cell death. A huge…



Haymarket Laugh Riot

I don’t know how on in the world I end up on some loony email lists, but they’re at least good for the occasional chuckle.


Incorrect correction of a correction

Wouldn’t you think that a reader’s letter correcting factual errors in a newspaper article wouldn’t be edited to delete the principal correction? Well,…


Perverse Incentives

Government is often said to be bedeviled by “unintended consequences.” That doesn’t mean that the consequences cannot be foreseen. Two great examples…


Best Headline of the Day

Following up on Fred’s post, here’s an even better headline: “Thai PM cancels U.N. speech after coup” ran the headline in…


Don’t Tax My Timber

The Canadian government has finally passed a resolution to end the long-festering softwood lumber dispute with the U.S. While it’s not a perfect deal,…


Is Hugo Boss?

Tonight in D.C., I will be moderating an America’s Future Foundation panel on Latin America in the age of Chavez. At issue: For the region’s…


E Pluribus Equine

Having solved all other problems on their agenda, the House voted bravely last week (263-146) to ban the slaughter of horses for…


Osorio Takes on Latin America

This Tuesday, September 12, I will be moderating an America’s Future Foundation panel on Latin America, here in D.C. At issue: Is the region turning…


IPN to UNFPA: Drop Dead

It’s a thankless task keeping up with the Ozymandian agglomeration of bureaucracy that is the United Nations, so it’s merciful that our friends…


Wasting Time at the Farm Bill Hearing

Two hours and 12 minutes of subsidy-sucking. Those people wanted money for everything. Old programs and new programs and more money for all of them,…