
Criminalizing Politics

My friend Paul Jacob, the long-time term limits activist and head of the Citizens in Charge Foundation, continues to face charges in Oklahoma for…


Those Wild and Crazy Europeans

Liberty-minded Europeans can only look on with increasing frustration as policy becomes increasingly centralized in Brussels. It’s not just the regulations — goodness knows the…


Europeans Against Free Enterprise

Surprise, surprise! The Europeans don’t like market economics. That’s hardly startling news. But it turns out that the educational system works overtime to demonize free…


The National Nannies Just Won’t Quit

Let’s see. The U.S. Constitution gives the Congress the power to raise armies, regulate interstate commerce, and … control snack machines in local schools. Apparently…


The British are Nutters, Truly

Air travel accounts for about three percent of greenhouse gases, so even if you think the planet is warming out of control, grounding all planes…


Trade as a Way Out of Poverty

Poverty, the horrendous poverty so common in most of the world, can only shock the average Westerner.  But we in the West once were that…


Khmer Rouge on Trial

There’s a lot of bad news in the world these days.  A bit of good news is the approach of trials of several leaders of…


Insurance as Public Service

“Consumer advocates”–who spend their time demanding that everyone toss money at anyone who “consumes” a product or service, are on the march, this time against…


Killing with Kindness

Government regulation almost always is biased towards inaction and prohibition.  Making a "mistake" and allowing something to happen will usually get you into far greater…


Global Warming Global Scam?

Thus argues John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel. Admittedly, he’s not a Ph.D climatologist, but then, most of the alarmist propagandists aren’t Ph.D climatologists,…


Exposing Health Care Myths

Critics of the U.S. health care system have a litany of complaints. Some are true, but highly misleading. N. Gregory Mankiw takes on three of…