
Bond Rating Meltdown

Yesterday, I wrote about the “Massive Bond Rating Scam,” and how irresponsible bond-rating agencies, shielded by regulation against competition, have contributed to the mortgage…


Cyber Cold War? Probably Not

McAffee, a company that makes cyber security software, has released a report warning of a new “cyber cold war.” I’m skeptical of how big…


Radiating Fear

A new report today warns that increased use of CT scans and subsequent increased exposure to radiation could account for nearly 2 percent of…


Massive Bond Rating Scam

Even the most poorly-run state has less chance of defaulting on its debts than a typical well-run company. That's because states, unfortunately, have the power…


Bureaucracy Isn’t the Answer

Apparently California attorney General Jerry Brown believes that bureaucracy is the answer to alleged environmental woes. He and ten other state attorney generals have launched…


Searching for (perfect) safety

The Financial Times today has a very perceptive article, “Too much safety in America’s playrooms,” by Patti Waldmeir. Waldmeir points to the current…


Dr. Robert Cade, RIP

At CEI, we like to celebrate inventors, innovators, and those bold souls whose unyielding curiosity help make the world better. Such a person was…


Don’t blame trade, says Brooks

Writing from Beijing, New York Times columnist David Brooks in his column today notes how American sentiment is increasingly against trade and globalization and…


Plastic: The Environmental Choice

An interesting article in today’s Washington Post highlights the trade-offs and market realities associated with green products. It addresses the packaging challenges faced by…


Hands off Cable, FCC

The FCC today is going to consider expanding its authority to saddle cable TV with many of the same regulations as broadcast. That, to…


Who cares about “bad” foods?

Men’s Health magazine has released its latest list of what it’s editors believe are the “worst” items on chain restaurant menus. Yawn! Unlike, say,…


Trent Lott Knows Your Name

Nearly everyone has an opinion about Sen. Trent Lott (who, the Associated Press reports, plans to resign from the Senate today.) My off-the-cuff judgment…


Trade as a Way Out of Poverty

Poverty, the horrendous poverty so common in most of the world, can only shock the average Westerner.  But we in the West once were that…


Khmer Rouge on Trial

There’s a lot of bad news in the world these days.  A bit of good news is the approach of trials of several leaders of…


Insurance as Public Service

“Consumer advocates”–who spend their time demanding that everyone toss money at anyone who “consumes” a product or service, are on the march, this time against…


Killing with Kindness

Government regulation almost always is biased towards inaction and prohibition.  Making a "mistake" and allowing something to happen will usually get you into far greater…