
As Lenin said about rope…

Our sophisticated friends, the Europeans, are desperate to do anything to meet their Kyoto targets, which they are currently speeding away from in the wrong…


Forbidden Words

Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes observed in Towne v. Eisner (1918) that “a word is not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it is the skin of a…


Another Hazardous Rulemaking

This week, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) denied the marketing of yet another wood preservative, meaning consumers will continue to have few choices when it…


Farm bill — a focus on energy

A 2007 farm bill with generous support could run into problems, according to a New York Times article today. But despite possible budget problems,…


Can a Deal be Done on Doha?

Hopes are rising that the U.S. and the European Union may find ways to work out their differences on advancing more open international trade. Today…


Go Where the Voters Are!

Robert Samuelson wrote a recent column, “Myths and the Middle Class,” quoting statistics that indicate that only 2 percent of Americans see themselves as…


Debunking Dobbs — Part II

In the Christian Science Monitor’s Jan. 4 issue, GMU’s Don Boudreaux takes a whack at Dobbs in his “open letter” to the…


Bhagwati debunks Dobbsians

Economist Jagdish Bhagwati does it again — in an FT opinion piece today, he pricks holes in the Dobbsian view that globalization has…