Crony Capitalism: The Inevitable Outcome Of Overreaching Government
Would a farmer who put out a trough of slop be surprised if it attracted a bunch of pigs? Then why are activists who promote…
Letter to the Editor: Government Meddling Won’t Create Jobs
A recent op-ed in The Hill by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) (“Attacks on workers’ rights won’t create jobs,” Nov. 15) highlights the need to…
The Euro Was Always a Bad Bet
Rumors are flying around Europe that Chancellor Merkel of Germany and President Sarkozy of France are making plans for a smaller eurozone, including provisions…
Dissing the National Interest
For President Obama, approving the Keystone XL Pipeline should have been a no-brainer. All the State Department had to do was conclude the…
Arizona Daily Sun
Lawmakers Who Ban Plastics Talking Trash
The past several years have seen a groundswell of bans on plastics — from plastic bags to foam cups. The rationales for such policies…
Arizona Daily Sun
Big Labor’s Ohio Win Doesn’t End States’ Fiscal Crises
Everyone knows state governments are swimming in red ink, but how deep exactly is the fiscal hole? The nonprofit watchdog group State Budget Solutions has…
Arizona Daily Sun
EPA Jackboots?
When Environmental Protection Agency head Lisa Jackson recently ridiculed her opponents as thinking of EPA officials as “jack-booted thugs,” she should have thought through exactly…
Miami Herald
Lawmakers Talking Trash
The past several years have seen a groundswell of bans on plastics – from plastic bags to foam cups. The rationales for such policies…
Miami Herald
Freedom Equals Money: New York State Shows how Freedom in Wine Shipping Benefits Consumers and State Coffers
Prior to 2005, several states took a lopsided approach to regulating the shipment of wine within their borders. They allowed in-state wineries and retailers to…
Miami Herald
Lawless Net Neutrality vs. the “Resolution of Disapproval”
Today, the U.S. Senate takes up S.J.Res.6, the FCC Internet and Broadband Resolution of Disapproval, for up to four hours of debate. The controversy…
Miami Herald
Will Western Civilization Rediscover The Moral Foundations Of Sound Money?
What is money, and from where does it draw its value? This is a question Greece is facing as its people stare into the abyss.
Miami Herald
Why Obama Officials Had to Lie to Congress About Fuel Economy Standards
Republicans were in an “Internet uproar” last week over a false report that EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson had called them “jack-booted thugs.” Meanwhile, deeply…
The Hill
A Backdoor Tax on the Poor
The Hill
Michigan’s Keg Tracking Won’t Stop Underage Drinking
Few people will argue against preventing underage drinking. Michigan’s new keg registration law, however, an attempt to trace the buyers of kegs that end up…
The Hill
Blame Transfer Day
Daily Caller
Government Bureaucrats Can’t Prevent Data Breaches
Sony’s popular PlayStation Network suffered a massive data breach earlier this year, exposing 100 million users’ credit card numbers, home addresses and more. Numerous other…
Daily Caller
Letter to the Editor: Anti-Bully Law May Overstep Constitution
Deborah Simmons was right to criticize an overly broad anti-bullying bill that may be approved by the D.C. Council (“Anti-bully legislation misguided,” Web,…
Daily Caller
Twenty-Five Years After Reagan’s ‘Amnesty’ Bill, Conservatives Should Support Increased Immigration
Twenty-five years ago, the Immigration Reform and Control Act became law. Most people know the act as the 1986 “amnesty” bill. Since then, conservative…
Washington Post
A Stake in Financial Markets
Capital standards are critical to the stability of any financial system. However, whether such standards are better achieved by markets rather than political entities…
Washington Post
Making It Legal to Tweet For Investors
‘Tweet for Jobs.” So says a section of Barack Obama’s campaign website encouraging the public to use social networks to lobby Congress for passage of…
Washington Examiner
Most Secretive Ever? Seeing Through ‘Transparent’ Obama’s Tricks
Recently, the Obama administration asserted a new policy of allowing the federal government to lie outright to citizens about the existence of records sought…
Michigan Capitol Confidential
Election Day Alcohol Tremors?
If you live in Michigan, you can’t order online from wine retailers in other states, at least not if you want the wine shipped…
Huffington Post
40 Million Reasons to Celebrate
At least two population milestones have been reached in 2011. The most spectacular is that 7 billion people now live in the world. The…
Huffington Post
Official Time: Government Workers Perform Union Duties on the Taxpayers’ Dime
Title V of the U.S. Code allows federal government employees to do union work while on the job. This is known as “official time” and…
Huffington Post
Putting Herman Cain’s Sexual Harassment Accusations In Context
A media storm has broken out over allegations made by the inside-the-Beltway publication Politico that two women in the employ of the National Restaurant…
Huffington Post
Get a Job!
Repeal Financial Regs Repeal portions of the Bush-era Sarbanes-Oxley Act to make it easier for smaller companies to raise capital by going public,…
Daily Caller
Regulation Is This Halloween’s Goblin
American entrepreneurs and small business owners have good reason to be scared this Halloween. According to a new Gallup poll, small business owners consider…
RealClear Markets
Yes, Regulation Does Keep Unemployment High
When regulations make hiring employees more expensive, companies won't hire as many of them. It's a simple truth. But it is an inconvenient one…
RealClear Markets
Letter to the Editor: Hoover Didn’t Show Any Fiscal Restraint
Re: “Amendment would cripple government, devastate Americans,” Oct. 23 commentary: Where did Andy Schmookler get the strange idea that former President Herbert Hoover practiced…
RealClear Markets
Liquor Delivery Changes Needed
While former Detroit Police Chief Jerry Oliver is correct that Prohibition was a failure (“Don’t change state’s liquor delivery system,” Oct. 13), it does…
RealClear Markets
Dying to Grow?
We are constantly bombarded with information about the purported risks or protective effects of one or another food, dietary supplement, chemical, drug, or activity. In…
RealClear Markets
Long Island Railroad Workers Scam $1 Billion in Disability Benefits
New York Times
Letter to the Editor: Weighing the Value of a Law Degree
Clifford Winston was right to question the legal requirement that lawyers graduate from law school before they can practice law. Many students learn little…
Wall Street Journal
The Fiscal Union Delusion
Any day now, the leaders of the euro zone will present a grand plan to prevent future fiscal or financial crises from threatening the single…
Wall Street Journal
Rejection of Aid Shows Depth of Pakistani Anger
Re: “Rejecting U.S. aid hurts Pakistan’s poor,” Oct. 20 The Associated Press criticizes Pakistan’s Punjab province for rejecting U.S. aid, writing that “a cut would…
Wall Street Journal
GOP Jobs Plan: Rein in ‘Rogue’ NLRB
In the wake of a Senate failure for the president’s jobs bill, Republicans are advancing their own plans in the House of Representatives. On Wednesday…
Wall Street Journal
Flat Tax This: Regulations Are the Boot On Hiring’s Neck
It’s almost 2012, and President Obama still wants a half trillion more from you for jobs spendulus. I’m waiting for Rod Serling to explain this…
Wall Street Journal
The Stimulus Delusion
Popular delusions are always debunked, but rarely before they do a lot of harm. The ancient physician Galen believed that bloodletting, the forced removal of…
Wall Street Journal
Squeezing Every Last Dollar Out Of Democracy
Have you ever wondered why Congress is so spectacularly bad at solving problems? Do you marvel at the parade of so-called unintended consequences that flow…
Wall Street Journal
What About Fannie Mae Millionaires?
‘They are . . . not interested in asking millionaires and billionaires to pay a half a penny on the dollar for the sake of…
Wall Street Journal
Senate Bill Would Further Undermine Due Process on Campus
Historically, most colleges used a “clear and convincing” evidence standard in student and faculty discipline cases, to safeguard due process. As Nicholas Trott Long noted…
Wall Street Journal
Seeing Double Regulation
When asked to name the most controversial medical issues of the day, few people would pick eye care. However, in the past half-century, eye…
Wall Street Journal
New Tax on Jack Daniel’s Could Come Back to Haunt Company Town
About an hour and a half drive south of Nashville is the small town of Lynchburg, Tenn. You probably haven’t heard of it unless you’re…
Wall Street Journal
Let States Legalize Online Gambling to Stimulate the Economy
The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction—the Super Committee—is soon expected to present its proposals to cut the deficit by $1.5 trillion. There is speculation…
Washington Times
Wholesale Deception
Beer wholesalers contend that alcohol legislation they are pushing on Capitol Hill would safeguard state and local rights – but in reality, it is…
Washington Times
Contentious Talks: UAW Ratifies Contract with Ford, Workers Say Better for Union than Members
The United Auto Workers Union (UAW) is the winner in the recently-concluded Ford contract negotiations. While its rank and file members will not see pay…
Washington Times
The Keystone XL Energy Project Is Much More Than A Pipe Dream
A recent study from researchers at Cornell University presented some curious findings on the economic impact of Keystone XL, a proposed multibillion dollar extension linking…
Washington Times
The Fundamental Fallacies Of Macroeconomics
Do you sometimes wonder why economists are accorded such respect and influence given the fact that they claim knowledge over the unknowable, promote theories that…
Obama Admin Hides Official IPCC Correspondence from FOIA Using Former Romney Adviser John Holdren
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) has learned of a UN plan recently put in place to hide official correspondence on non-governmental communication accounts, which a…
Long Live the Limited Liability Corporation
What does it mean when angry mobs take to the streets not to protest against the specific corporations and politicians that teamed up to loot…