Mandated Mischief: Obama’s 54.5 MPG Standard
President Obama today announced a deal with 13 automakers to boost new-car fuel economy standards from 35.5 mpg in 2016 to 54.5 mpg in…
Fox News
Reforming Regulation, Bit by Bit
President Obama recently issued an executive order directing independent agencies to comb through their books and repeal unneeded regulations. This is, as he put it,…
Fox News
The Wisdom of the Debt Ceiling
Even though I often disagree with his conclusions, I’ve long been a fan of New Yorker correspondent James Surowiecki. In his articles and his book,…
Fox News
The Coming War on Vitamins
A consumer walking down the aisle of a local drugstore can choose from a wide variety of supplements, vitamins and nutrients for his or her…
Fox News
False Prophets of Debt-Ceiling Doom
If I didn’t know any better, I’d be on the lookout Tuesday for the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. With Aug. 2 just around the…
The American Spectator
Obama’s Favorite Union Heavies
Unions thrive on workplace conflict. The AFL-CIO, for example, sponsors a "Bad Boss Contest," which awards the employee who submits the best story…
The American Spectator
A Case Against Mandatory Voting
Big government “solutions” for every social problem under the sun are all around us. I thought I’d seen them all — until recently, when I…
The American Spectator
Letter to the Editor: Federal Education Money Wasted on Diploma Mills
The American Spectator
Fair Means Fair; Evidence Must Count for Something
As a former Education Department lawyer, I applaud Harvey Silverglate’s criticism of the Education Department for undermining due process on campus (“Yes Means Yes—Except…
The American Spectator
Dodd-Frank’s Fannie Trap
One year ago today, President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Despite the “Wall Street” moniker, the tentacles of Dodd-Frank’s…
The American Spectator
Failure is Not a (Government) Option
At his press conference on the debt ceiling negotiations, President Obama lamented that he’d rather “be talking about stuff that everybody welcomes, like new [government]…
The American Spectator
Labor Unions Stop the Music
Mozart and Chopin have never had a nemesis like a union scorned. All around the nation, orchestras and symphonies are going silent, crushed by inflexible…
The American Spectator
Put a Ceiling on Overregulation
President Barack Obama may have inadvertently revealed one area of common ground with the Republicans during his recent news conference laying out sharp differences with…
Daily Caller
Competitors: Stop That Merger!
AT&T and T-Mobile would like to merge. The $39 billion deal would make them the largest mobile phone service provider in the country. Not everyone…
Daily Caller
It’s for the Children
The government robber barons justify themselves by telling you that big government is for your own good or, even better, “it’s for the children!” What…
Daily Caller
Day Cares Can’t Mandate Diversity
It is ridiculous that a bossy Colorado state agency proposed forcing day care centers to post two or more visual displays “presenting diversity in a…
Daily Caller
President Obama Doesn’t Know the First Thing About Economics
As the Oscar buzz surrounding actress Meryl Streep keeps growing — thanks to her portrayal of Margaret Thatcher, it’s worth remembering one of the real…
Daily Caller
Labor’s New Strategy: Intimidation for Dummies
In the past decade, unions have become increasingly desperate to obtain new dues-paying members. An example of how desperate can be found in a 70-plus-page…
Daily Caller
Time to Re-Privatize Fire Departments
Daily Caller
A Training Manual for Right-Sizing Government
Attempting to reduce the size of government program-by-program is almost certainly a fool’s errand. With a trillion-dollar deficit looming every year, ending earmarks or finding…
Daily Caller
Let’s Not Repeat Mortgage Mistakes
You write that the Obama administration decided last year to let “the market sort things out” regarding America’s housing woes in lieu of government intervention.
Daily Caller
Bush Years Imposed Crushing Regulatory Burdens
Among the biggest lies told by liberals over the past few years is that the administration of President George W. Bush was some sort of…
Daily Caller
Bureaucrats Are Stealing Americans Blind
Bellingham (WA) Herald
Government to Google: All Search Results Must Appear First
According to legend, when Winston Churchill and his lifelong foe Clement Attlee ran into each other at a row of urinals in the House of…
Bellingham (WA) Herald
The Debt Ceiling, Thomas Jefferson and the Semi-Virtue of a Balanced Budget Amendment
I’m for a balanced budget, even an amendment, but I’m more for the principle of limited government. A federal government that picks a national bird…
Bellingham (WA) Herald
FTC Ban on Junk Food Ads Would do More Harm than Good
The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) supposedly voluntary guidelines for marketing food products to children, if adopted, would undermine free speech, seriously hinder small businesses, consumer…
Bellingham (WA) Herald
Put a Ceiling on Overregulation
After months of saying it wanted a “clean” hike in borrowing authority, the Obama administration now proclaims it wants to do something “big” in a…
Bellingham (WA) Herald
Government Pay Raises–It’s an Inside Con Job
Bellingham (WA) Herald
Constitutional Nonsense on Debt
Lo and behold! As we celebrated this Fourth of July amid the debt-ceiling fight, the netroots and progressive pundits suddenly discovered the Constitution’s relevance in…
Bellingham (WA) Herald
MD Union Finds Sneaky Way to Force Non-Members to Pay Up
Bellingham (WA) Herald
The Cost Of Government Regulation
“You, there: stop complaining and start hiring!” That is essentially the Obama administration’s message to businesses. This is an administration that seems to believe that…
Bellingham (WA) Herald
The USDA’s Anti-Science Activism
Full Document Available in PDF U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack must…
Bellingham (WA) Herald
Time to Kill the Michigan Alcohol Monopoly
In the June 2011 issue of the Michigan Beer and Wine Wholesalers Association (MBWWA) newsletter, President Michael Lashbrook reaffirmed his organization’s endorsement of…
Mercury News
Why Google probe should worry consumers
Is Google too big? Some government officials in Washington, D.C., certainly seem to think so. Last week, the Federal Trade Commission launched a formal…
Mercury News
Immigration: The DREAM Act Is Not A Nightmare
Today Senate Democrats are holding hearings about the controversial DREAM Act. Last week, Senate Democrats also introduced a Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill that entirely…
Mercury News
Lawyers have incentives to bring more lawsuits
Re: “Trial lawyers won’t give up on Wal-Mart lawsuits,” June 24 Diana Furchtgott-Roth notes that lawyers typically get a percentage of a worker’s winnings in…
The Wall Street Journal
Why Your New Car Doesn’t Have a Spare Tire
Auto makers comply with fuel economy mandates by making cars lighter and more dangerous. Fewer tires, higher taxes. That may be what’s in store for…
The Wall Street Journal
Condemning Our Children to Live in ‘Greece’
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has released its latest edition of the Long-Term Budget Outlook, and it makes for grim reading. The assessment needs to…
The Wall Street Journal
Catching Air Without NASA: How Will We Regulate Commercial Space Flight?
What if having a vibrant space program requires bypassing NASA? There exist great pressures for change despite NASA’s signature successes. The private experimental launches…
American Spectator
My Mother-in-Law Is Owed an Apology
My mother-in-law once gave me a Leatherman multi-tool for Christmas. The one she gave me had Phillips and flathead screwdrivers, scissors, a knife, and…
Daily Caller
Regulators Should Regulate Economy, Not Intervene In It
Just as surely as summer is followed by autumn, it seems that these days every proposed corporate merger is followed by antitrust complaints —…
Daily Caller
Republicans, Employers Cry Foul on New Labor Dept., NLRB Rules
Republicans and employers across the country are calling foul in what is seen as a double whammy from the Obama administration this week. The…
Daily Caller
Liberate ATMs and Credit Unions to Jumpstart Jobs
“ATMs don’t destroy jobs,” tweeted Davd Burge of the Iowahawk blog in response to Obama’s now-infamous “Today Show” explanation of unemployment. “Politicians who…
Daily Caller
There’s No ‘Average’ Cancer Patient
On June 28, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will hold a hearing to decide the fate of Avastin, a drug taken by thousands…
Daily Caller
Bachmann and the ‘20,000 Millionaires’ Myth
“Michele Bachmann would knock 20,000 millionaires off tax rolls.” So reads the glaring headline on a blog post by Howard Gleckman of the…
Daily Caller
Overdrawn at the Ideas ATM
President Obama recently blamed today’s high unemployment on… automation. Yes, you heard at right. He singled out automatic teller machines (ATMs), which he…
Daily Caller
The Exceptional Children Of Skilled Immigrants
Much of the debate over increasing legal immigration and work visas, such as the H-1B visa for highly skilled workers, has centered on the…
Daily Caller
What the Boeing Company Teaches about Right to Work
Boeing celebrated the completion of its final assembly plant for the Dreamliner 787 aircraft in North Charleston, South Carolina, today. Boeing’s $1-billion investment…
Daily Caller
GOP’s ‘Durbin Dozen’ Keeps Dodd-Frank Price Controls
Anywhere but the Senate, getting 54 votes out of 100 is a victory. And Wednesday, a bipartisan group of 54 Senators responded to concerns from…
Daily Caller
Let’s Face the Truth: The Stimulus and Bailouts Failed
You’d think last Friday’s terrible jobs numbers would cause honest elected officials to admit that their economic policies have failed. They would tell the American…