Immigration is Not Charity
The biggest misconception about immigration is that it is a zero-sum game–that there is a finite number of jobs which immigrants “take” from the…
California’s Big Deal Bought on Amazon
All eyes are on the California statehouse today. On the table is a deal between online retail juggernaut Amazon and California lawmakers to postpone a…
Jobs Speech Won’t Do the Job
Presidential candidate Mitt Romney released his own jobs agenda this week in anticipation of President Obama’s Thursday address to Congress. The most important idea is…
Trade Restrictions Will Not Help Underpaid Chinese Workers
Re: “America’s economic troubles are deep-seated,” From Readers, Sept. 6 Madeleine Soudee laments that China, India and Vietnam are “intensely competitive by ignoring human…
Obama’s Jobs Agenda: An Infrastructure Bank that Robs You
I stopped by our bank Friday to get something notorized, and, damn, they were all out of free Jolly Ranchers. For a moment, I’d forgotten…
Stimulating Demand Misses the Point
A top summer’s-end story on the Drudge Report laments Ben Bernanke’s inferences that the air is pretty much out of the Federal Reserve balloon with…
Alabama’s Immigration Law Is a Train Wreck
On Monday, Federal District Judge Sharon Blackburn temporarily enjoined Alabama’s controversial immigration law (HB 56) for one month, to have enough time to address the…
Obama’s Anti-Jobs Agenda
Though President Obama is nowhere to be seen on ground-level job-creation efforts apart from the golf course, he did issue an early 2011 executive order…
Needed: Budget Reforms to Save Money Into the Future
Daily Caller
Solyndra’s All-Too-Predictable Collapse
On Tuesday evening, ABC News reported that in his upcoming “jobs speech,” President Obama will call for more “green jobs stimulus” — though this…
Daily Caller
Big Labor vs. Taxpayers
For the first time ever, government union members outnumbered those in the private sector in 2009. Until recently,…
Daily Caller
Propaganda Posing as Environmental Literacy
Kids aren’t the only ones going back to school this week. Powerful environmental advocacy groups are joining them in the classroom. On June 21, the…
Daily Caller
The DOJ’s Antitrust Seers
The philosopher Yogi Berra once said that “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” Let’s apply his lesson to the proposed $39…
Daily Caller
Letter Writer Wrong About Hoover’s Tactics
A recent letter writer erred in claiming that Herbert Hoover cut taxes and government spending in the Great Depression (“O’Reilly Missed Lesson on Great Depression,”…
Daily Caller
Do We Really Need a National Weather Service?
As Hurricane Irene bears down on the East Coast, news stations bombard our televisions with constant updates from the National Hurricane Center. While Americans ought…
Daily Caller
Privacy Mandates are Bad News for Web Users
When Congress returns from its summer recess, Internet privacy will be high on its agenda. Half a dozen bills introduced this session aim to address…
Daily Caller
Immigration Tariff: Reforming a Broken System
America’s immigration system is broken. Years of overregulation aimed at micromanaging the system has produced nearly 100 different types of visas, each with its…
Daily Caller
Bureaucrats Have Gone Rogue
G.O.P. presidential candidates should emphasize that reining in the E.P.A. is a constitutional imperative. Yes, Americans are worried about jobs and the economy, but arguing…
Daily Caller
Rekindling the Dream
Martin Luther King Jr. is now memorialized with an imposing statue on the D.C. National Mall. While the honor is long overdue, his legacy should…
Daily Caller
MrFuddlesticks, the Renton Police Department and Online Civil Liberties
In the last two decades, the Internet has revolutionized the way people communicate and socialize. Unfortunately, our legal system has yet to adapt to the…
WaPo Gets its Pinocchio on for Dishonest ‘Warming’ Attack on Perry
“I do believe that the issue of global warming has been politicized. I think there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated…
Forget Corporate Jets. Government Limousines Show They’re Stealing You Blind
President Obama has made a big deal out of corporate jets. Apparently they are a symbol not of success but of greed. Yet even…
Debt Downgrade: Why Did It Take S&P So Long?
Now that Standard & Poor’s has downgraded America’s government credit rating, the real questions everyone should be asking are: What took them so long, and…
The Government War on Young Enterprise
Let’s start in Britain so we can see where we’re going. The first thing to know is…
PJ Media
Fast Food Outlet in Pickle as Activists Attack Foam Cups
Remember when most “to-go” coffee came in convenient, insulated foam cups? Remember when McDonald’s served food in foam clamshells that kept your meal nice…
PJ Media
Let’s Put a Stop to the War on Salt
First Lady Michelle Obama has been lobbying strongly this year for food manufacturers to reduce the sodium content of their products. Her efforts scored a…
PJ Media
BPA Law Should Be Canned
Advocates on opposing sides of a public policy issue often have honest differences of opinion, with both viewpoints being plausible. It is the stuff of…
PJ Media
Medical Magellans
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rules are supposedly intended to ensure the safety and efficacy of new drugs and medical devices. It is FDA’s technology…
PJ Media
Hoover’s Budget Wasn’t Balanced
David Elbert made the dubious claim that President Herbert Hoover “was a firm believer in balanced budgets” (“Obama’s Situation Looking a Bit Like Hoover’s,”…
PJ Media
Finally Free from Government Servitude
All that business last month about July 4 being In- dependence Day was a temporary indulgence by those Founding Father guys. Hope you enjoyed the…
PJ Media
Europe’s Shorts-Sightedness
This week, troubles in Europe may have played as much of a role in the U.S. stock market carnage and volatility as the downgrade of…
Albuquerque Journal
Don’t Believe the EPA: PNM Ruling a Ripoff
Last Friday, the Environmental Protection Agency ran roughshod over New Mexico officials and imposed nearly $340 million in unjustified costs on PNM customers – in…
The War on Lemonade
America is a country founded on entrepreneurship and free enterprise. That’s why one of its most enduring childhood traditions is the lemonade stand. It teaches…
The S&P Downgrade Last Friday Night vs. Katy Perry
[F]airly interpreted, “Say’s law of markets” survives as the most fundamental “economic law” in all economic theory. It enunciates the principle that “demands in general”…
New York Post
Obama’s War on Coal
President Obama claims to see the need to create jobs at this time of endless 9-plus percent unemployment — yet his administration continues to…
New York Post
Down on the Downgrade?
The downgrade itself was fair. However, S&P’s timing and “partisan gridlock” rationale were questionable, as is its implicit advocacy of higher taxes. Nothing really…
New York Post
To Create Jobs, Streamline The Issuance Of Visas
Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano and U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) Director Alejandro Mayorkas recently outlined steps that would lower restrictions and regulations…
American Spectator
The Big Repeal
In 1787, there were four federal crimes. Now there are over 4,000. The Code of Federal Regulations runs over 157,000 pages. America is overlawyered and…
American Spectator
The Growth Agenda and Its Enemies
Even President Obama now seems to realize that rescuing America from its financial crisis requires getting Americans back to work. What he doesn’t seem to…
American Spectator
S&P’s Regulatory Politics
Within 24 hours, the Obama administration went from attacking Standard & Poor’s first-ever downgrade of U.S. debt to almost embracing it. On the Friday night…
Baltimore Sun
Blame Government, Not BGE, For Turning Off the AC
Ratepayers are steamed at Baltimore Gas & Electric Co. for turning off air conditioners in thousands of homes on July 22, the hottest day in…
Baltimore Sun
Women in the Boardroom
SIR – From an American legal perspective, laws that mandate quotas for women on corporate boards in some European countries seem utterly bizarre (“The…
Baltimore Sun
The Regulatory Recession
The debt ceiling negotiations and debates over government spending have transfixed the nation for the last few weeks. President Obama’s call for a “clean” debt…
Baltimore Sun
The Tea Party and a Struggling Economy
Joe Nocera claims that President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s “cutting spending” in 1937 made the Depression worse. It was not budget cuts but costly liberal court…
Orange County Register
E-Verify is an Abysmal Failure
Washington Post
What Shrinking Government?
Richard Cohen fretted that Tea Party activists have “shrunk the government.” He need not worry. Federal spending has gone from $2.9 trillion in…
Washington Post
Unlawful to Favor Women-Owned Businesses
“Men need not apply” (Commentary, Wednesday) was right to criticize the federal government’s award of contracts based on sex in the Women-Owned Small Business…
Washington Post
The Case Against John Bryson
President Obama’s nominee for secretary of commerce, John Bryson, is a terrible choice for a Cabinet department ostensibly dedicated to promoting economic growth and…
Washington Post
Bad Foundation
Most attempts at financial reform have been burdensome, created unintended consequences and have been harmful to economic growth. But compared to the Dodd-Frank Wall Street…
Washington Post