Obama Administration Covers Up Union Welfare Program
The Obama administration is more than a year late in releasing an important report on federal government union costs. Clauses within collective bargaining agreements require…
Dodd-Frank Durbin Amendment Shifts Costs to Consumers
In my last column, I blasted 17 Republican senators who voted last year for Dodd-Frank’s Durbin Amendment, which puts below-cost price controls on what credit…
Wisconsin Supreme Court: A Referendum that Wasn’t
Big labor attempted to turn yesterday’s election for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court into a referendum on Governor Scott Walker’s budget policies, but,…
Solis’ Pro-Union Bias
Speaking to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C., Labor Secretary Hilda Solis admitted she was biased toward unions. Unions only account…
Senate to Vote on EPA’s Power Grab: Does the Rule of Law Still Matter?
The Senate will, one presumes, finally vote either this week or next to block EPA from imposing President Obama’s ‘other way to skin the cat’…
The American Spectator
The Truth About Krugman: More Inconvenient Than Ever
Such a peach, today’s column – “The Truth, Still Inconvenient” – by Paul Krugman, economist and former consultant to the company that created the…
The American Spectator
Fee Change Won’t Help Consumers, Banks (Letter to the Editor)
The editorial “Side-swiped” (March 24) defends U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin’s amendment that put price controls on what banks and credit unions can charge retailers for…
The American Spectator
Unionization Through Regulation
Changing election rules to favor one side is something we usually associate with dictatorships. Yet a U.S. federal agency did just that recently, as…
The American Spectator
Innovation Arrested By The Law Of Unintended Consequences
Wrong-headed regulation often has unintended consequences. A good example is governments’ approach to “genetically engineered” crops. In only 15 years, modern genetic engineering technology —…
The American Spectator
The Class Action Lawsuit Against Wal-Mart is as Meritless as it is Massive
As a lawyer who used to bring class-action discrimination lawsuits for a living, I am puzzled by press sympathy for the massive, meritless class-action lawsuit…
The American Spectator
Antitrust In the Airwaves?
For a moment there I was thrilled that AT&T and T-Mobile were merging, thinking how great it’ll be to finally get reception this coming Easter…
The American Spectator
Is Obama Pro-Immigration?
A persistent myth about President Obama is that he is pro-immigration. Obama’s rhetoric may be pro-immigration, but his actions reveal that he is the most…
The American Spectator
This Saturday Celebrate, Don’t Lament, Human Achievement
Human beings must exploit the environment. It is how we survive—and thrive. We don’t have claws or fur. We don’t live in trees or burrow…
The American Spectator
Three Lessons From Japan’s Nuclear Crisis
Japan’s stricken nuclear power plant at Fukushima is at last approaching stable, if still serious, condition. The struggles the Japanese have faced there, on top…
The American Spectator
Frankenfish Fatuity
I’ll say one thing for the most recent New York Times‘ rant about genetically engineered food: They got the headline — “Frankenfish Phobia”…
The American Spectator
EPA’s Greenhouse Power Grab: Baucus’s Revenge, Democracy’s Peril
Last week, Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) introduced an amendment to S. 493, a bill reauthorizing small business research and technology programs. Baucus’s amendment would essentially codify…
The American Spectator
We Must Have Real Accountability From Our Overseers (Letter to the Editor)
The CFPB’s lack of checks and balances violates the constitutional separation of powers. It has a single head who can’t be fired even if voters…
The American Spectator
Washington Invents an Anti-Bullying Law
There’s no federal law against bullying or homophobia. So the Department of Education recently decided to invent one. On October 26, it sent a “Dear…
The American Spectator
Voluntary Nutritional Labeling on Alcohol Is the Best Recipe
Last month, I discussed the negative impacts that a nutritional label mandate would have on small producers of alcohol beverages, such as craft brewers. Another side…
The American Spectator
GOP Lawmakers Seek Labor Reform in Michigan
While most of the nation focused on the Wisconsin government union fight in recent weeks, Michigan has been pushing major labor reforms in both the…
The Truth About Obama and Nuclear Power
We have established that Obama’s war on coal assumed a massive, crash program of 100 new nuclear reactors — for optics purposes, keeping the cost of…
New York Times
The Problem With Mandates
Why can't Senator Rand Paul and others be more like Europeans, so much better — we're told — at accepting '"encouragement" from the state? But…
The Wall Street Journal
How Washington Ruined Your Washing Machine
It might not have been the most stylish, but for decades the top-loading laundry machine was the most affordable and dependable. Now it’s ruined—and Americans…
American Spectator
Are Text Messages an Antitrust Issue?
Text messages are expensive. Most carriers charge customers 20 cents for every text they send. But the tiny messages use up only a fraction…
American Spectator
Cybersecurity Theater vs. The Real Thing
Computer attacks cost mid-to large size businesses $3.8 million annually on average , and generate massive global damage. Some homeland security and cybersecurity specialists even warn…
PJ Media
Why Is NASA Hiding James Hansen’s Ethics Records?
In this “Sunshine Week” — amid revelations that the vow of transparency was not, as George Stephanopoulos famously said about Bill Clinton’s truthiness, one of the…
PJ Media
Liquor Wholesalers’ Appalling Misuse of the Constitution
Liquor wholesalers’ attempts to rationalize federal alcohol legislation would appall James Madison, the father of the Constitution. Wholesalers claim their legislation will protect “states’ rights.”…
PJ Media
As Japan Crisis Unfolds, Energy Secretary Steven Chu Fails Nuclear and Leadership Test
With reactors at the Fukishima Daiichi nuclear plant in danger of a meltdown, the world waits with bated breath for the outcome. Interestingly, physicists, the…
PJ Media
Obama Administration Flouts FOIA Law (Letter to the Editor)
The Examiner was right to criticize the Obama administration for flouting the law by failing to comply with the Freedom of Information Act. The administration also…
PJ Media
Japan’s Nuclear Crisis: Where Is Steven Chu?
Anyone who has done a little reading on the Japan nuclear crisis will know that we’re facing a less dangerous situation than Three Mile Island.
PJ Media
What’s the catch with NOAA’s catch-shares program?
A year ago, Daniel Bubb worked as a fisherman in Gloucester, Mass., operating a fishing business with more than 60 employees. Government intervention has a…
PJ Media
Texas’ Sanctuary City Law a Solution in Search of a Problem
Texas’ proposed anti-immigration law, HB 12, had its first public hearing last week. Introduced by Rep. Burt Solomons, R-Carrollton, HB 12 is supposed to prevent…
PJ Media
What’s the Catch With NOAA’s Catch-Shares Program?
A year ago, Daniel Bubb worked as a fisherman in Gloucester, Mass., operating a fishing business with more than 60 employees. Government intervention has…
PJ Media
All Aboard the Climate Gravy Train
Global-warming alarmists often portray climate scientists as poorly paid academics whose judgment is impervious to the influence of money. This seems strange given…
Daily Caller
Tsunamis are not Stimulus
There is nothing good about a natural disaster. The tsunami that hit Japan today is an unmitigated tragedy. Still, there is a certain optimism…
Daily Caller
Yes, Vivian, Defunding NPR Will Reduce the Deficits
Daily Caller
Federal Government Pushes Massive Mortgage Bailout; Would Rip off Pension Funds, Bank Shareholders
Back before the election, intellectuals with ties to the Obama Administration proposed a trillion-dollar bailout for some (but not all) underwater mortgage borrowers, as a way…
Daily Caller
About the New Tone
Daily Caller
The Truth About Wisconsin
The fundamental issue in Wisconsin — and states considering similar budget cuts — is not whether government employees should contribute more (in Wisconsin’s case, more…
Daily Caller
Are Obamacare’s health-insurance exchange requirements unconstitutional?
Usually, Congress can’t order state governments to do anything – it can only bribe them to do so, using federal grants. If it tries to…
Daily Caller
The Wages of Green Spin
Former Bush administration chief of the Council on Environmental Quality James Connaughton is now the government affairs head for an electric utility, Constellation…
Daily Caller
A Toxic Consensus on Toxic Substances?
When ducks are in a row, stars align, and Republicans, Democrats, industry and environmentalists agree — it’s time to worry. Such forces materialized at recent…
Daily Caller
Obama Wastes Yucca Mountain
As America’s nuclear power stations begin to show their age, the problem of what to do with all their waste has become much more pressing.
Daily Caller
Compensate Donors for Giving Their Organs (Letter to the Editor)
The Feb. 24 front-page article “New kidney transplant rules would favor younger patients” reported on a proposal to modify the transplant distribution system. It would…
Daily Caller
How About a Budget for Regulations?
We have a bad fiscal budgetary process that institutionally isn’t capable of controlling the trajectory of federal spending in any direction but up. We need…
Daily Caller
Labor Secretary Admits Union Bias
Speaking to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) Winter Meeting in Washington, D.C., over the weekend, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis admitted she was biased toward unions.
Daily Caller
Greens, Reds and Cheeseheads
There is not much mystery in the fact that Big Labor and Big Green are both hard-left. The labor and green political coalitions are called…
Daily Caller
Put the REINS on EPA
EPA’s end-run around democracy — the agency’s hijacking of climate policy via the backdoor of Clean Air Act regulations — is meeting stiff resistance on Capitol…
Daily Caller
Wisconsin Union Backers Defame Virginia, Flunk Basic Math, Spread False Factoids
Virginia schools have better-than-average standardized test scores. Virginia obviously doesn’t rank an abysmal 44th in the nation on SATs and ACTs, as supporters of Wisconsin government-employee…
Daily Caller
Warning Labels On New York Times Columns
The New York Times was once known as the “newspaper of record.” Now, its reputation is for bias and inaccuracy. And not only about politics.