City Journal

Roll It Back

Medicaid, the federal-state entitlement for the poor, now provides health insurance to more than one in four Americans. Enrollments surged after the Affordable Care Act…

Regulatory Reform

National Review

Vetoing Financial Security

President Joe Biden is widely expected to issue the first veto of his presidency in response to a bipartisan congressional resolution aimed at protecting…

National Review

FTC Runs into the Judicial Wall

The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) antitrust crusade has run into an obstacle: the judiciary. Indeed, the agency wants to expand its authority and broaden enforcement standards so…

Americans for Tax Reform

Q&A on Credit Card Regulation

Americans for Tax Reform has been consistently opposed to government regulation of debit and credit card transactions.  Last year, ATR opposed the Credit Card Competition…

Regulatory Reform

National Review

The FTC Soda Wars

The Federal Trade Commission’s new probe into the pricing practices of Coke and Pepsi is the latest step in the agency’s march away from protecting consumers.

Eye on FTC