
Behind the Times

Today’s Globe and Mail reports that a recent study summarizes the “latest scientific evidence” on the dangers of eating too much fish containing trace levels…


The Internet Never Forgets

Former CEI research associate Achim Schmillen has a great op-ed today in the Detroit News on proposed new “data retention” regulations: Do you remember every…


Global Warming Round-up

Some global warming-related stories you may have missed: British companies involved in the Emissions Trading Scheme enjoy a $1.5 billion profits windfall while energy…


No Cletus Left Behind

Last night’s new episode of “The Simpsons” skewers the No Child Left Behind Act’s testing requirements — in only a few seconds. School district…


NYT opines on civil liberties

A Sunday New York Times editorial, “The must-do list,” reviews the attacks on civil liberties in U.S. policies since 9/11. Worth a read, especially…


Rewind to the future

Over at Planet Gore, Iain and our former colleague Peter Suderman have some further commentary on the silly Washington Post article by…


Insider trading in TXU deal?

The Wall Street Journal‘s energy blog is reporting that the Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating possible insider trading in the TXU takeover deal.


Global warming round-up

Lots of global warming-related stories you may have missed: Threat of Kyoto is leading to wholesale deforestation in New Zealand. U.N. climate talks…


The Nanny State’s Next Frontier

Many libertarian economists and commentators have long criticized professional licensing as a protectionist scheme that restricts competition to the benefit of some (licensed) producers and to the…


WSJ on Rent Seeking to Save the Planet

Today’s weekend Wall Street Journal‘s lead editorial (available free online at addresses the Climate Action Partnership, reitarating some of CEI’s arguments against this…


Yet More on Card Check

I noted yesterday that vetoing the Employee Free Choice Act, the mandatory card check bill that the House passed yesterday, would provide President George…


Broken Like the Wind

I received a press release this morning from Wind Watch, a group dedicated to opposing the menace of the wind. With windchill-adjusted temperatures in…


Free Choice for Whom?

The misleadingly named "Employee Free Choice Act" (H.R 800) reaches the House floor today. This bill would essentially do away with secret ballot elections in…


All pain, no gain?

The issue of global warming has attracted much attention over the past decade. CEI analysts such as Marlo Lewis have argued that regulations aimed at…


Lead Paint Travesty

On February 26, a Rhode Island court ruled that the paint industry is liable for a statewide "public nuisance" because long ago, paint companies sold…


Rationing in action

Apparently Al Gore now uses Green Power to light and heat his home, so he isn’t entirely hypocritical. However, the issue here is that…


What price the planet?

When I read about sainted Al’s massive power demands I immediately thought, “Surely he must use Green Power from windmills or something like that.”…


Food-or-fuel hits home(s)

Well, the food-or-fuel debate has now been recognized by the mainstream media, previously salivating over the wonderful tax benefits and subsidies for corn…


Global Warming Round-up

Some global-warming related stories you may have missed: The EU’s rapidly rising transport emissions mean that they won’t meet their Kyoto targets “without additional…


“Social” Housing?

On C-SPAN last night, I was watching “Prime Minister’s Questions”—the wonderful British institution in which the Prime Minister answers questions, both from his sometimes…


Europe Is Not Amused

In the latest installment of what has become an increasingly sorry drama, the European Union's Ambassador to the United States, former Irish Prime Minister John Bruton,…