In re HP Inkjet Printer Litigation class action settlement objection
If I were to buy a three-pack of color ink for my inkjet printer today, it would cost me $42.99 at and $36.99 at…
Afternoon Links: December 30, 2010
New Year’s Musings: My WSJ Arts Piece on “Cry Me a River” and More on Debit Card Interchange Price Controls
Union Snow Cleanup
Union Holds New York Hostage
Public anger over New York City’s botched snow plowing effort this week has turned to the city’s sanitation workers union — for good reason.
Paris Contemplates SUV Ban
Paris is looking to potentially ban “gas-guzzling” vehicles from city limits. The proposal, still in its infancy, lacks important details but nonetheless appears to…
2010 Federal Register is Third-Largest Ever
The final unadjusted page count is 82,589 pages. That's the third highest ever.
Morning Media Summary
Tech: Apple Sued Over Apps Privacy Issues; Google May Be Next: “Two separate groups of iPhone and iPad users have…
The College Diploma Fraud and Its Consequences
Retired professor Robert Weissberg has a fascinating article at The American Thinker called “The College Diploma Fraud.” It describes how worthless many college degrees have…
Afternoon Links: December 29, 2010
Driver Monitoring Increases Accuracy, Lowers Insurance Costs
Believe it or not, insurance companies do not want to overcharge you. They want to charge just the right amount — as little as possible…
Morning Media Summary
Tech: Earth project aims to ‘simulate everything’: “An international group of scientists are aiming to create a simulator that can replicate everything happening…
New CEI Podcast — December 28, 2010: IRS as Tax Preparer?
Fellow in Regulatory Studies Ryan Young looks at the IRS' proposal to save you time by doing your taxes for you.
Alcohol Regulation Roundup: December 28
Much a like a family that you don’t get to choose, let’s make a quick holiday visit to the states around the nation and their…
Alfred E. Kahn, 1917-2010
The man behind airline deregulation passed away yesterday at age 93. Let us learn from his example of a life well lived.
Morning Media Summary
Tech: Top Chinese blogger shuts down country’s first pvt magazine: “China’s first private magazine, which was launched by famous blogger Han Han in…
Potato Diet Improves Man’s Health; Obama Administration Bans Potatoes from WIC Program
Chris Voigt lost 21 pounds and improved his health by living on a potato-only diet for 60 days. Potatoes are more nutritious…
Morning Media Summary
Tech: Top 10 Tech Disasters That Haven’t Happened… Yet: “Congratulations: You’ve survived another year, and 2010 was quite an eventful one. For…
Time for Big Cuts in Education Spending?
America spends far more on education than countries like Germany, Japan, Australia, Ireland, and Italy, both as a percentage of its economy, and in absolute…
CEI Weekly: Public Employee Unions Are Bankrupting States
U.S. Blows Hard at Chinese Wind Power Subsidies
Well, the U.S. has taken it one step further — it has gone to the World Trade Organization for “consultations” about China’s green energy…
Environmental Working Group Should Win Annual Junk-Science Award
If there ever was a year-end, junk-science award, it should go to the Environmental Working Group — every year. Perhaps more than any group,…
Ethanol and NASCAR
The ethanol industry earlier this year teamed up with NASCAR in order to better promote expensive, highly subsidized, not so environmentally friendly…
The Streetcar Delusion: Minneapolis Receives Funding to Bolster Wasteful Rail Transit
Delusional Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood continues to flush taxpayer dollars down the toilet on increasingly idiotic rail programs. The latest example of LaHood’s anti-mobility…
Morning Media Summary
Tech: Skype Outage hits users worldwide: “Millions of Skype Internet phone users worldwide couldn’t make calls — or were dropped in mid-conversation —…
NPR Covers Corn Ethanol Boondoggle
NPR’s “Morning Edition” has finally caught on to the ethanol boondoggle. It’s doing a three-part series on ethanol that started yesterday. And it gets…
FCC Net Neutrality: Some Networks are More Neutral than Others
Today’s decision [by FCC bureaucrats] will help preserve the free and open nature of the Internet [as defined by the government] while encouraging innovation [as…
The Colombia FTA Deserves a Speedy Vote
President Obama needs to look beyond pushing only the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement to standing behind ratification of the other pending trade agreements with…
The Obama Administration’s Misguided War on For-Profit Colleges
In Forbes, economist Richard Vedder of Ohio University documents the blunders behind the Obama administration’s war on for-profit colleges that wiped out $8 billion…
Will Net Neutrality Save the Internet?
Reason.TV created an excellent video explaining Net Neutrality and arguing against it. I’ve heard too many people irrationally claim that big corporations are going to…