
Schwarzenegger: False Prophet

If you happen to catch Arnold Schwarzenegger’s speech to the U.N. on climate change today, please remember as you listen that the governator is full…


Ag + You = $$$

Mining giant Barrick Gold has recently announced a fascinating challenge to would-be mining engineers of the world: if you can think up a new…


Play the Energy Game

Fans of Sid Meier’s classic video game Civilization are framiliar to the challenge of designing an entire society, God-like from above. Fans of energy…


Ivy League Shame

All you Columbia rejects out there dig out your “we regret to inform you” letters and plaque them up on the wall. Take it as…


Recent Studies Suggest Too Much

Wall Street Journal science columnist Robert Lee Hotz has a fascinating profile of epidemiologist John Ioannidis and his view that because of unacknowledged biases…


Muncipal Wi-Fi Plans Imploding

USA Today reports that Municipal Wi-Fi plans across the nation continue to collapse under the pressure of economic reality. Schemes such as those proposed…


OIRA Backs Science

Cheers to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) in the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Yesterday, it released a…


More on internet co-ops

Eli’s post on internet co-ops referring to Wayne’s post about broadband infrastructure got my mind whirring about other examples of cooperatives — housing…


For Our Pirate Readers

Arrr. Shiver me timbers! Why hasn’t CEI done more t’ celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day? Only one post? Although Seafarin’ heartys be, fer…