
Green AND Market Oriented

To me, the best green invention in the world is the compact fluorescent light bulb: these bulbs cost more up front but they last about…


Slacker May Bust Anti-Trust

Sirius and XM are both losing cash, fast. So, they’ve proposed a merger to cut costs, but that has to be endorsed by regulators. That’s…


Operation Amtrak

Eli is, of course, correct. Amtrak is in no state to be privatized yet, and the botched BR privatization demonstrated that privatizing a railroad…


Good point!

Climate scientist James Annan makes an important point about the economics of climate change in a comment (#4) over at Prometheus: “Putting it…


Global warming round-up

Here are some tidbits and links you may have missed: “Deniers” vs “Alarmists” in a debate in NYC tonight More calls for individual…


AT&T Merger with BellSouth

The Internet is abuzz with worry about the possible negative implications of the merger of AT&T and BellSouth. One of the biggest fears is that…


Insult to injury

Doesn’t anyone in the UK understand the economic concept of “sunk costs” any more?  Three men wrongly convicted of murder and released after many years…


Global warming latest

A few days to catch up on, so here are quite a lot of global warming-related stories you may have missed: China will not be engaging in…


IP Block Connecticut

The Connecticut legislature is considering a bill that would require social networking sites, such as MySpace or Facebook, to verify the age of users of…


Everyday Kerry

Call it a case of Oscar Envy or simply the road more well-traveled, but Saturday’s Boston Globe featured a headline, “Kerry’s new book…


Selective Support for Democracy

In response to a federal appeals court’s decision Friday striking down the District of Columbia’s gun ban, the head of the Brady Center to Prevent…


The Great Global Warming Swindle

Martin Durkin brings us the documentary answer to global warming alarmism – recently broadcast in the UK. Enjoy: [googlevideo]9005566792811497638[/googlevideo] UPDATE: The Telegraph has a story…


Leave the wind to Uncle Sam?

A newish Congressional Research Service report raises some very interesting questions about current proposals that the federal government begin to provide wind insurance. Paired…