CEI Coalition Letter on Permitting Reform in the 119th Congress
Dear Members of Congress: The undersigned organizations strongly believe that our nation needs across-the-board federal permitting reform. This requires amending the National Environmental Policy Act…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Against Court Packing
In recent years, the legitimacy of the Supreme Court as an impartial institution and non-political branch under our Constitution—exercising “neither force nor will but merely…
Post-Chevron Suggestions for Congress
Dear 118th & 119th Congress,On June 28, 2024, in Loper Bright v. Raimondo, the United States Supreme Court overturned the 40-year-old Chevron doctrine, which granted…
Opposing Broadband Taxes
Dear Member of Congress: At a time when everyday Americans continue to struggle with inflation, the last thing consumers need are higher monthly internet bills.
CEI Joins Coalition Letter in Response to the FDIC’s RFI on Deposits
Dear Mr. Sheesley: We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, appreciate the opportunity to comment on the Request for Information on Deposits. We are responding to…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing Housing Price Controls
Dear Members of Congress and State Attorneys General, We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, are writing in opposition to all efforts to establish price controls…
Inflation Reduction Act Two Year Anniversary Letter
Dear Members of Congress: Today marks the second anniversary of the so-called Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), and the critics of its costly and…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Rejecting Proposals to Manipulate Interchange Fees
Dear Members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, Americans for Tax Reform, and the undersigned organizations, write to you today to voice our opposition to…
CEI House PROVE IT Act Coalition Letter
Dear Representative: Since a House companion to the PROVE IT Act (S.1863) may be introduced soon, the undersigned organizations want to express our strong…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter Supporting CRA Resolution of Disapproval on EPA Power Plant Rule
Dear Members of Congress, The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) recently finalized powerplant rule will kill America’s existing supply of baseload generation…
CEI Signs Coalition Letter in Support of Opposing Freddie Mac’s Second Mortgage Product
CEI Leads Coalition Against Section 230 Repeal or Replace
Dear Members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, We write to you in advance of the committee hearing on May 22, 2024 to express…
Coalition Letter Re: Debit Card Interchange Fees and Routing (Docket No. R–1818, RIN 7100-AG67)
Dear Ms. Misback, The Federal Reserve’s (Fed) notice of proposed rulemaking (the Proposal) to amend Regulation II (Reg. II), which sets standards for debit…
Coalition Letter Opposition to the California Air Resources Board In-Use Locomotive Regulation
Re: Opposition to the California Air Resources Board In-Use Locomotive Regulation Docket EPA-HQ-OAR-2023-0574 We, the undersigned individuals and representatives of national organizations and think tanks…
CEI Coalition Letter in Support of the Renewing Efficiency in Government by Budgeting Act
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Supporting H.R. 2799
Dear Representative: We, the undersigned organizations, write to you today to express our support for Representative Patrick McHenry’s H.R. 2799, the Expanding Access to Capital…
CEI Leads Letter Rejecting Recoup Act
Dear Speaker Johnson, Minority Leader Jeffries, Majority Leader Schumer, and Minority Leader McConnell: As leaders of policy groups concerned with constitutional liberties, government accountability, and…
Coalition Letter to Support the Stop Woke Investing Act (S. 3179)
We, the undersigned organizations, are writing in support of the Stop Woke Investing Act (S. 3179). The bill was introduced by Sens. Eric Schmitt…
Coalition Letter on FCC Digital Discrimination rule
December 13, 2023 The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is out of control. On November 15, the agency voted to adopt a Report and Order on…
Coalition Letter on DCA Perimeter Rule
Dear Chairwoman Cantwell and Ranking Member Cruz: We write to inform you that we support expanding the number of flights permitted in and out of…
Coalition Letter on American Consumer Institute – Risk Transfer
Chief Counsel’s Office Attention: Comment Processing, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency 400 7th Street SW, Suite 3E–218 Washington, DC 20219 Ann E. Misback…
Carbon Tariff Coalition Letter
Dear Members of Congress:As the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee is reportedly going to mark-up the PROVE IT Act (S. 1863) this week, the…
NTU Coalition Letter on Important Needed Tax Reforms
Dear Majority Leader Schumer, Speaker Johnson, Minority Leader McConnell and Minority Leader Jeffries, On behalf of the undersigned organizations who represent the interests of taxpayers,…
CEI Joins Letter on Joint Employer CRA
Dear Member of Congress, Small business needs protection. As you are aware, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued their final rule “Standard for Determining…
Coalition Letter to End IRA Prescription Drug Price Controls
October 31, 2023 Dear Members of Congress, When the Inflation Reduction Act was passed and signed into law a year ago, the legislation granted the…
Dismantling the Inflation Reduction Act green Subsidies Coalition Letter
August 16, 2023Dear Members of Congress:On the first anniversary of enactment of the so-called Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), the undersigned organizations strongly urge you to…
Letter of Support on the Small Business Regulatory Reduction Act and the POST IT Act
CEI Co-Leads Coalition Letter on Railroad Safety Act
Dear Members of Congress: The undersigned individuals write to express concerns with the Railway Safety Act (S. 576). Safety advancement in any mode of…
Letter of Support on H.R. 890 and H.R. 3230
CEI Joins Coalition Letter in Opposition of S. 1838 and H.R. 3881 Credit Card Competition Act (CCCA)
Dear Members of Congress: We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, oppose the inaccurately named Credit Card Competition Act of 2023 (S. 1838 and H.R.
CEI Joins Coalition Opposing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act
Dear Chairman Sanders; Ranking Member Cassidy; and Members of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions – On behalf of the millions of…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Supporting Efforts to Stop Tobacco Prohibitions in Ag Approps Bill
Chairwoman Granger and Ranking Member DeLauro, The undersigned organizations representing millions of consumers and taxpayers support Sections 768 and 769 of the Fiscal Year 2024…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter on H.R. 1525, the FAIR Act (Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform)
Dear Chairman Jordan and Ranking Member Nadler, On behalf of the undersigned organizations dedicated to the protection of civil liberties and property rights, we ask…
CEI Co-Leads Coalition Letter Calling For External Audit of Fed on Bank Failures
As the Federal Reserve (Fed) readies its internal review of its actions leading up to the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) collapse, we the undersigned organizations…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing New Broadband Middle Mile Funding
Dear Member of Congress, On behalf of the millions of members and supporters of the undersigned organizations, we write in opposition to any legislation that…
Coalition Letter Re: Opposition to Enhanced Deposit Insurance
Dear Members of Congress: We, the undersigned organizations, and individuals, oppose any legislative or regulatory action that would increase the deposit insurance cap or fully…
Coalition Letter Supporting H.R. 2700, the “Employee Rights Act”
CEI Joins Coalition Letter in Support of Uniform Public Expression Protection Act (UPEPA)
The undersigned organizations support strong anti-SLAPP laws protecting free speech and commend Texas for having one of the best in the nation. We are concerned…
Coalition Letter on TPA BEAD funding oversight
The Honorable John Thune Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Communications, Media, and Broadband Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation United States Senate 511 Dirksen Senate Office…
Coalition Letter Opposing Railway Safety Act of 2023
We write you to urge your opposition to the Railway Safety Act of 2023. Introduced following the horrible accident in East Palestine, Ohio, the legislation…
Coalition Letter to Members of the North Dakota House Finance & Taxation Committee, RE: SB 2217
Chair Headland, Vice Chair Hagert, and Members of the Committee, The undersigned organizations write in opposition to Senate Bill 2217. This legislation would prohibit interchange…
Coalition Letter to Congress in Support of H. R. 21, the Strategic Production Response Act
Dear Member of Congress: We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, write to express our strong support for H.R. 21, the Strategic Production Response Act,…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Rejecting Building American Energy Security Act of 2022
Dear Majority Leader Schumer, Minority Leader McConnell, Speaker Pelosi, and Minority Leader McCarthy: The undersigned organizations write to express our strong opposition to Senator Joe…
Climate Crisis Select Committee Coalition Letter
Dear Leader McCarthy, We, the undersigned organizations, write to urge you to disband the Select Committee on the Climate Crisis when Republicans take back control…
Coalition Letter in Opposition to Credit Card Regulation Amendments
Dear Member of Congress: We, the undersigned organizations, oppose the inaccurately named Credit Card Competition Act of 2022 (S. 4674) as filed as Senate amendment 6201 to the…
Coalition Letter Opposing Freight Rail Shipping Fair Market Act
Dear Member of Congress: We, the undersigned individuals and organizations, oppose the inaccurately named Freight Rail Shipping Fair Market Act. It will cause significant harm…
CEI Joins Coalition Opposing Credit Card Competition Act
Dear Member of Congress: We, the undersigned organizations, oppose the inaccurately named Credit Card Competition Act of 2022 (S. 4674). The bill is…
Coalition Urges Congress to Reauthorize FCC’s Spectrum Authority
We, the undersigned, write this letter to express our support for H.R. 7624, the Extending America’s Spectrum Auction Leadership Act of 2022, which would extend…
CEI Leads Coalition Opposing the Confirmation of Joseph Goffman as EPA’s Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation
Dear Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Capito, and Members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works: The undersigned organizations and individuals write to express…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter on Proposed Antitrust Bills that Would Harm Consumers
We, the undersigned economic, legal, and public policy experts, write to express concern overlegislative and executive branch proposals aimed at dramatically expanding government antitrustand competition…
Coalition Opposes SEC’s Proposed Rule: Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investor
Vanessa Countryman, Secretary Securities and Exchange Commission 100 F Street NE Washington, DC 20549-0609 The undersigned individuals and organizations strongly oppose the Securities and Exchange…
36 Organizations Sign Coalition Letter Condemning Menthol Prohibition Proposal
We, the undersigned 36 organizations, representing millions of taxpayers and consumers across the United States, strongly urge you to reject any proposed ban on menthol…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter on Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances That Deplete the Ozone Layer
CEI Joins Coalition Letter on FDA Ban on Synthetic Nicotine
Dear Commissioner Califf, We write to you in opposition to a new regulation signed into law by Congress that will effectively ban vapor products that…
CEI Joins Coalition Opposing Weaponizing Antitrust Law
Dear Senator, Despite full control of Congress and President Joe Biden in the Oval Office, the Democratic Party finds many of its top legislative priorities…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter on Durbin Amendment
Dear Chairman Brown, Ranking Member Toomey, Chairwoman Waters, and Ranking Member McHenry: The undersigned organizations write in opposition to any legislation that would expand or…
CEI Joins Coalition Opposing March-In over Drug Prices
Dear Secretary Becerra, On behalf of millions of Americans across the country, we urge you to ignore calls and petitions asking you to deliberately twist…
CEI Joins Coalition Urging Congress to End Ban on DC Marijuana Sales
Dear Members of Congress, As you and your colleagues in Congress continue to finalize funding levels and bill language in the FY22 appropriations bill, the…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing Build Back Better Agenda
President Joe Biden is preparing to deliver his State of the Union address and promote his Build Back Better agenda. The America First Policy Institute…
Coalition Letter Urging Congress to Reject Efforts to Impose Protectionist Barriers on Agricultural Imports
U.S. Senate Washington, DC, 20510 U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC, 20515 Dear Senators and Representatives, We, the undersigned organizations representing millions of taxpayers and…
CEI Leads Coalition Opposing Freight Rail Reciprocal Switching
Dear Honorable Board Members, We, the undersigned, maintain a deep interest in free markets and the benefits they provide to the American consumer. We write…
CEI and Other Organizations Oppose the Open App Markets Act
Dear Senator, On behalf of the undersigned organizations – representing millions of taxpayers, consumers, and free market advocates across the nation – we urge you…
Coalition Letter Opposing Sarah Bloom Raskin’s Nomination to Federal Reserve
Dear Chairman Brown and Ranking Member Toomey, As public policy groups who fight for free markets, sound science, and affordable energy, we write in opposition…
CEI and Other Organizations Urge Support for Pro-Growth ALIGN Act
Dear Chair Wyden, Chair Neal, Ranking Member Crapo, Ranking Member Brady, and Members of the Senate Committee on Finance and House Committee on Ways and…
CEI Joins NTU-Led Coalition Warns of BBB’s Impact on Drug Competition
Dear Senators and Representatives: On behalf of the undersigned organizations — taxpayer, consumer, and free market advocates from across the country — we write with…
Coalition Letter to OIRA Re: Request for OIRA to Resolve Interagency Disagreement Concerning IQA Implementation About Medical Marijuana
The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) requests that OIRA resolve a dispute between two different agencies concerning responsibility for ensuring compliance with the Information Quality Act.
CEI Joins Letter Opposing Nomination of Saule Omarova for Comptroller of the Currency
November 5, 2021 The Honorable Sherrod Brown Chairman Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs 534 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C.
CEI Joins ATR Led Drug Price Control Coalition Letter
Dear Member of Congress: We write in opposition to the Democrat plan to impose price controls, a 95 percent excise tax, and inflation penalties on…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter Urging Senators to Vote Against Ratification of Kigali Amendment
November 17, 2021United States SenateUnited States CapitolWashington, DC 20510 Dear Senator: The undersigned organizations strongly urge you to vote against ratification of the Kigali Amendment…
CEI Joins Coalition Opposing the Wall Street Looting Act
Dear Senators Warren & Kennedy, We are writing to express our concern about the upcoming hearing in the Senate Banking Economic Policy Subcommittee titled “Protecting…
Coalition Letter to Senate re Tax Preparer Licensing
Dear Senator: We write to urge you to oppose all proposals, including H. R. 4184 and similar legislation that may be introduced in the Senate,…
CEI Joins Coalition Urging Senate Republicans to Reject Democrat Antitrust Trap
Dear Senator, Recent media reports have indicated that Senate Democrats are crafting a package of European-style antitrust regulation. Some left-wing politicians are attempting…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing IRS Financial Reporting Requirement
The undersigned organizations write in opposition to the proposed new reporting regime to have the IRS collect the account inflows and outflows for bank, loan,…
CEI and Other Organizations Urge Biden Administration to Prioritize Free Trade Agreements
Dear President Biden, On behalf of the undersigned groups, we urge you to pursue free-trade agreements that enhance America’s freedom, prosperity, and competitiveness. The administration…
Congress Must Protect U.S. Employers by Passing the Save Local Business Act (H.R. 3185/S. 1636)
Dear Member of Congress, On behalf of the undersigned organizations and the millions of members, supporters and activists across America whom we collectively represent, we…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter : Re: Wyden-Lummis-Toomey Amendment to H.R. 3684
Dear Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell, The undersigned organizations—which include nonprofits, trade associations, and individual companies that participate in the United States’ vibrant…
CEI and Other Organizations Sign Coalition Letter Supporting the Wyden-Lummis-Toomey Amendment
Dear Majority Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell, The undersigned organizations—which include nonprofits, trade associations, and individual companies that participate in the United States’ vibrant…
Coalition Letter of Opposition Interest Rate Cap
Dear Chairman Brown and Ranking Member Toomey, On behalf of our organizations and the millions of American individuals, families, and business owners we represent, we…
Coalition Urges Fiscal Restraint on Infrastructure Package
Dear Representative: The undersigned organizations ask you to place common sense parameters on the next legislation to address our nation’s infrastructure. As our economy continues…
CEI Joins Coalition Urging Lawmakers To Reject Frivolous Spending Request
Dear Chairs Klobuchar and Cicilline and Ranking Members Lee and Buck: We, the undersigned organizations, representing millions of taxpayers and consumers, urge you to reject…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing BRIDGE Act
Dear Senators, We, the undersigned organizations representing millions of taxpayers and consumers across the nation, ask you to oppose the BRIDGE Act as introduced by…
CEI Joins Coalition Urging D.C. City Council to Reject Prohibition of “Flavored” Tobacco Products
June 28, 2021The Council of the District of ColumbiaJohn A. Wilson Building1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Washington, DC 20004Dear Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers:The undersigned civil rights, civil…
CEI Joins Coalition Asking Congress to Oppose Any Increase in the Federal Minimum Wage
Dear Members of Congress, We, the undersigned organizations representing millions of Americans nationwide, write in blanket opposition to any increase in the federal minimum wage,…
CEI Leads Coalition Letter Opposing House Vote on Resolution to Overturn OCC “True Lender” Rule
View Full Document as PDF Dear Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader McCarthy, As leaders of conservative and free-market groups who stand firm against…
CEI Joins HJC Letter Opposing Cicilline Jayapal Bills
Dear Members of the House Judiciary Committee: At a time when voters are looking to Congress to address the country’s most pressing challenges, it seems…
CEI Joins TPA Led Coalition Calling for IRS Investigation
Dear Senator, On behalf of the undersigned organizations, representing taxpayers, consumers, and free market advocates across the nation, we write to urge you to launch…
25+ Conservative Groups and Activists Urge Congress to Reject Democrat Antitrust Power Grab
Dear Member of Congress: We urge you to reject the package of European-style over-regulation in the antitrust bills spearheaded by Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.) and…
CEI Joins Letter Urging Congress to Lift DC Rider Blocking Cannabis Regulation
Dear Members of Congress, On behalf of the undersigned criminal justice reform, liberty, and drug policy organizations, we write to urge you to remove the…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposed to Repealing IDCs
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act
View Full Document as PDF Dear Member of Congress: We urge you to reject efforts to pass H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Opposing Federal Reserve Efforts That Expand the Durbin Amendment
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Regarding Wasteful RDOF Subsidies, Hamilton Place Strategies
Dear Ms. Dortch: The Commission adopted its Rural Digital Opportunity Fund (“RDOF”) order last year despite concerns that it would subsidize the construction and operation…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Rejecting Drug Price Control Legislation
Dear Leader Schumer, Speaker Pelosi, Republican Leader McConnell, andMinority Leader McCarthy,We represent fiscal conservatives, free market advocates, and ordinaryAmericans concerned about confiscatory taxes on the…
CEI and Other Organizations Oppose the PRO Act
Dear Member of Congress, We are writing in opposition to the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. The PRO Act, introduced by Rep. Bobby…
CEI and Other Organizations Sign Coalition Letter Condemning Menthol Prohibition Proposal
We, the undersigned organizations, representing millions of taxpayers and consumers across the united States, strongly urge you to reject any proposed ban on menthol flavored…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Regarding App Store Regulation
View Full Document as PDF Dear Senator/Representative: We, the undersigned, oppose state regulations on online application distribution platforms, more commonly known as app…
CEI Joins Coalition of 23 in Urging Pro-Growth Business Tax Policy
View Full Document as PDF Dear Chairman Wyden, Chairman Neal, Ranking Member Crapo, and Ranking Member Brady: On behalf of the undersigned taxpayer,…
CEI Leads Highway Coalition Letter in Support of Mileage-Based User Fees
View Full Document as PDF Dear Member of Congress, As Congress considers surface transportation reauthorization, its top priority should be restoring the longstanding…
CEI Joins Coalition Letter Supporting Kyle Fortson Renomination to National Mediation Board
Dear Leader McConnell and Ranking Member Burr, We write to urge you to support the renomination of Kyle Fortson to be a member of the…
CEI Joins Coalition Expressing Serious Concern With H.R. 1082, “Sami’s Law”
The Honorable Nancy PelosiH-232, The CapitolWashington, D.C. 20515The Honorable Steny HoyerH-107 The CapitolWashington, D.C. 20515The Honorable Kevin McCarthyH-204, The CapitolWashington, D.C. 20515The Honorable Steve ScaliseH-148,…