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Facebook’s Fact-Checking Change Will Create More Open Environment, Not ‘Wild West’ of Free Speech: Expert
NTD interviewed CEI’s expert on Meta’s Fact-Checking policies. Mark Zuckerberg has promised to create a more open environment on Facebook. To learn more, NTD…

News Release
Meta’s new content moderation is a step in the right direction: CEI analysis
Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, announced major changes to its content moderation system today. The company says it aims to allow as…

Targeting Digital Platforms
President Biden’s antitrust regulators have filed a pair of lawsuits targeting tech platforms, claiming they abuse their position as intermediaries between consumers and third parties.
Search Posts
TSA Rules Threaten In-Flight Technology Use
Tech News World
FCC Aims to Haul Digital Have-Nots Across the Divide
Desk-Doodling, Broadband, and the Stimulus Anniversary
A twelve-year-old girl in Forest Hills, New York is arrested for doodling on her school desk. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announces he wants faster broadband…
Tech News World
FCC Calls for Faster Internet in the U.S.
Internet access is not a right. It is a privilege; one that we pay for. FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski, while not explicitly demanding high-speed…
News Release
Report Card for the Obama Administration
One year ago today, Barack Obama took the oath of office as President of the United States. Since then, he and his appointees have had…
Net Neutrality, the War on Salt and Beach House Insurance
The Federal Communications Commission receives thousands of comments on its proposed “net neutrality” regulations. New York City public health officials launch a campaign to reduce…
News Release
FCC ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules Endanger a Truly Open Internet
FCC ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules Endanger a Truly Open Internet Watchdog Group Warns Against Internet Regulation, Urges “Agency Neutrality” in FCC Filing Washington, D.C.,…
E-Commerce Times
Microsoft Agrees to Help Europeans Pick a Browser
E-Commerce Times discusses the European Commissions antitrust case against Microsoft with Wayne Crews. "Microsoft never had any power to prevent choice at all," Wayne…
News Release
Banks, Credit Companies Get Brief Reprieve From Crushing Federal Regulation of Internet Gambling
Banks, Credit Companies Get Brief Reprieve From Crushing Federal Regulation of Internet Gambling Taxpayers Face $20 Million Cost to Enforce…
News Release
Congress Meddling in Online Privacy Protection May Backfire, Harm Consumers
Washington, D.C., November 18, 2009—A House subcommittee on Thursday will take a step closer to inserting government as the arbiter of consumer…
Climate Hearings, Blocking Net Neutrality and ‘Astroturf’ Lobbying
The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee holds a hearing on proposed climate legislation. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) introduces a bill into the house to…
Web Giants Battle over Networks, Obama on Climate and New Financial Regulations
Google and AT&T battle over web rules. President Obama won’t talk climate change at UN negotiations in Copenhagen. The House Financial Services Committee votes to…
Telecom Regulation, Maritime Recycling and the Economics Nobel
The Federal Communications Commission moves to regulate telecom networks in the name of “net neutrality.” Italian police investigate illegal disposal of “toxic” shipwrecks. Experts continue…
Health Care Competition, Financial Regulations in Court and Net Neutrality
The House Judiciary Committee votes to strip antitrust protections from health insurance companies who share risk information. Prominent officials and scholars endorse CEI’s Supreme Court…
News Release
Net Neutrality Rules Depress Investment, Reduce Competition
On Thursday, October 22, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted to issue a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that would put government, rather than consumers and…
Ecomerce Times
Tech Heavies to FCC: Stay on Target
Ecomerce Times
Feds Target Bloggers with New Disclosure Rules
Bloggers beware: Earlier this week, the Federal Trade Commission extended the heavy hand of government into the blogosphere (and other social media sites like…
Ecomerce Times
Letter to the Editor: Net Neutrality Has Many Facets, Some of Them Known
Your editorial explains congestion problems that will hamper the Internet under net neutrality regulations. In addition to that, technological innovation will also be stifled…
The Wall Street Journal
Letter to the Editor: Net Neutrality Has Many Facets, Some of Them Known
Mr. Jenkins suggests that Google would likely "shriek" if a startup were to mount its servers inside the network of a telecom provider. Google already…
Opposing Net Neutrality, TSA Unionizing and Banning Soft Toilet Paper
The Washington Post editorializes against the FCC’s proposed “net neutrality” regulations. The American Federation of Government Employees seeks to unionize airport safety screeners and other…
NZ Herald
Web Users Applaud US Watchdog’s Neutrality
The NZ Herald discusses net neutrality with Wayne Crews. "Agencies should not pick sides between content and infrastructure providers in disputes over pricing,…
Washington Examiner
Is the FCC Neutralizing Innovation?
In a major speech Monday, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced that one of his top policy goals is implementing network neutrality rules. That’s a sophisticated…
Obama on Global Warming, Blocking Net Neutrality and Car-Free Day
President Obama delivers a speech before the United Nations, saying that the U.S. is “determined to act” on global warming. Republican senators announce legislation that…
Net Neutrality, Treasury’s Global Warming Memos and Car-Free Day
The Federal Communications Commission plans to introduce so-called “net neutrality” regulations for ISPs, including wireless companies. Treasury Department memos estimating the cost of the White…
San Francisco Gate
Swift Response to Net Neutrality Proposals
Bloomberg Business
FCC Stirs Old Debate on ‘Net Neutrality’
Bloomberg Business quotes Wayne Crews on net neutrality. So it is hardly surprising that Genachowski's proposed new rules were immediately attacked. "Net neutrality…
News Release
Think Tank Calls For FCC Neutrality
On Monday morning, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski announced new “network neutrality” rules governing Internet providers, including wireless companies. …
The Not-So-Smart Grid, European Antitrust and Light Bulb Smuggling
Utilities compete for almost $4 billion of federal stimulus funds earmarked for the creation of an electrical “smart grid.” European regulators may delay the merger…
Wireless Probe, Nanotechnology Funding and Ted Kennedy, RIP
The Federal Communications Commission launches a three-part investigation into competition in the wireless industry. The National Science Foundation dispenses new grants for nanotechnology research in…
News Release
Think Tank Blasts FCC Wireless Investigation
Tomorrow, the Federal Communications Commission is expected to announce a "three-pronged probe" of wireless industry practices at its Open Commission meeting. The FCC's…
Ecomerce Times
Apple Keeps Google Voice for iPhone on the Table
Comments on the FDA’s Draft Guidance for Industry, Presenting Risk Information In Prescription Drug and Medical Device Promotion
In comments on an FDA draft guidance document for drug industry advertising, CEI challenged the agency to bring its “1960s approach to prescription drug advertising…
Microhoo under the Microscope, Mob Mentality and Horse Killings in Florida
Microsoft and Yahoo brace for scrutiny from antitrust officials. Democrats claim that opponents of health care legislation are part of an “angry mob”. Florida authorities…
Microhoo Scrutiny, Terrorism Insurance and Cooling Global Temperatures
Microsoft and Yahoo face antitrust scrutiny for their recently announced 10-year search agreement. The White House proposes scaling back a federal…
Apple under Investigation, CEO Pay Limits and Hurricane Safety
The Federal Communications Commission investigates Apple and AT&T over the decision to spurn Google Voice on the iPhone. The House of Representatives passes a bill…
News Release
Justice Department Should Leave the Microsoft-Yahoo Search Deal Alone
Today, Microsoft and Yahoo announced a ten-year partnership of their search businesses in order to better compete against Google. The Department of Justice, citing antitrust…
Cutting Back on Healthcare, Online Privacy and Front-Running on Wall Street
House Democrats debate how to cut healthcare costs as part of their effort to pass major new legislation. Online advertisers back voluntary industry guidelines for…
New York Times
Legal Restrictions Won’t Help Ensure Privacy Online
To the Editor: Re “Lost in the Cloud” (Op-Ed, July 20): In discussing the privacy risks that have accompanied the growth of the Internet, Prof.
Google Book Search, FCC Comments and the Minimum Wage
The Justice Department investigates Google’s legal settlement over its Book Search service. Federal Communications Commission broadband coordinator Blair Levin accuses recent comments from the public…
ARS Technica
A National Broadband Plan for Our Future
Comments on the Federal Communications Commission Report ‘A National Broadband Plan for our Future’
The Commission’s record of alleged “regulatory restraint” toward the telecommunications sector over the past 13 years has come under fire by a number of commenters…
ARS Technica
Justice Department’s Fear of Google Book Publishing is Misplaced
Afraid of Google taking over the world? The Justice Department seems to be. It recently confirmed its antitrust investigation into the Google Book Search…
News Release
Clear Government Roadblocks to Broadband Competition
Contrary to many critics, investment in broadband networks by U.S. telecommunications firms is booming, and the biggest roadblocks to even more robust growth are primarily…
Microsoft in Europe, GM Foods and the Political Crisis in Honduras
Microsoft and European Union officials hold talks over computer industry competition. Former U.S. Department of Agriculture official Val Giddings releases a blueprint for reforming the…
AIG in Court, Mobile Phone Competition and the Future of Solar Power
A federal jury rules in favor of Hank Greenberg, the former CEO of AIG, in a $4.3 billion stock dispute. The Department of Justice considers…
Burning Rivers, Broadband Price Controls and Beach House Bailouts
Residents of Cleveland observe the 40th anniversary of the infamous Cuyahoga River fire. Congress considers a bill to regulate the pricing of broadband Internet service.
News Release
CEI Rejects New Broadband Price Control Bill
Rep. Eric Massa recently announced legislation to place government control over fees on broadband usage. With the introduction HR 2902 - the "Broadband Internet Fairness…
FCC Hearings, Banning Plastic Bags and Union Graft in Detroit
Federal Communications Commission chairman-designate Julius Genachowski faces a confirmation hearing in the Senate. Cities across the country move to ban plastic grocery bags. Trustees of…
News Release
Questions Senators Should Be Asking Julius Genachowski
Tomorrow afternoon, the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation will hold a confirmation hearing on Julius Genachowski, President Obama’s nominee to be Chairman…
Broadband Stimulus, Fiat Takes Over Chrysler and the UN’s World Oceans Day
Business and advocacy groups flood the Federal Communications Commission with comments on the agency’s proposed national broadband plan. Italian automaker Fiat…